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0 BOOK 20 PAGE $ 0 <br />AMENDMENT TO LEE COUNTY'S <br />OPTIONAL COVERAGE RELOCATION PLAN <br />CDBG SCATTERED SITE HOUSING <br />PURPOSE <br />The purpose of this optional coverage relocation assistance plan is to provide relocation <br />assistance and payments to individuals and families, permanently or temporarily, displaced as a <br />result of actions pursuant to CDBG number 02-C-0958 that are not otherwise covered under <br />implementing regulations at 49 CFR Part 24 and the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real <br />Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended, here after referred to as the Uniform Act. <br />ELIGIBILITY <br />All persons permanently displaced under CDBG number 02-C-0958 and not subject to the <br />Uniform Act are eligible for relocation benefits under this plan. A displaced person means any <br />person who moves from the real property or moves his or her personal property from the real <br />property. This can also include persons who are displaced by voluntary demolition or persons <br />temporarily displaced as a result of program activities such as housing rehabilitation. <br />ASSISTANCE TO BE PROVIDED <br />Levels and amounts of CDBG assistance to eligible individuals and families are the levels and <br />amounts of assistance set forth by the Uniform Act Regulations in 49 CFR Part 24 Subpart C. All <br />CDBG payments under this plan must result in long tern, decent, safe and sanitary housing <br />conditions. In addition, benefits provided under this plan shall include a general information <br />notice, a notice of eligibility, the provision of information on the availability of comparable <br />replacement dwellings, referrals to comparable replacement dwellings, appropriate relocation <br />advisory assistance and the inspection of replacement dwellings to ensure that they are decent, <br />safe and sanitary. <br />1. Rental Assistance. Eligible tenants or homeowners may receive an amount, not to exceed <br />$5,250 for rental assistance as computed in accordance with 49 CFR 24.402. All <br />non-CDBG long tern housing assistance must be subtracted from this figure to yield the <br />amount of CDBG rental assistance. <br />2. Down payment Assistance. Eligible tenants may receive an amount not to exceed $5,250 <br />for down payment assistance as computed in accordance with 49 CFR 24.402, All <br />non-CDBG long term housing assistance must be subtracted from this figure to yield the <br />amount of CDBG down payment assistance. <br />3. Homeowner Replacement Housing Payment Eligible homeowners may receive a <br />replacement housing payment, as computed in accordance with 49 CFR 24.402 and <br />24.402 not to exceed $25,500 and equal to the amount by which the cost of a comparable <br />replacement dwelling, together with increased interest costs and incidental expenses <br />authorized by the Uniform Act, exceeds the amount of all non CDBG long term housing <br />assistance. <br />