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aaoK 20 nc-E 786 <br />One recommendation that we all can agree to and <br />was a point in almost every area of the task force <br />conversations, is that as the fire service has said <br />for many years, we need a fire marshal. For the <br />short period of time we had someone in this office, <br />we feel we were able to start making some very <br />productive advances. <br />The recommendation from The Lee County Fire <br />Chiefs Association to The Lee County Board of <br />Commissioners would be to hire a Fire Marshal <br />that can work with the chiefs and the individual <br />fire departments so that we may have an <br />opportunity to respond to your concerns and <br />make recommended changes to you in order for <br />you to meet your goals and objectives. <br />With the chiefs and fire departments working <br />together with the fare marshal and all other <br />emergency response agencies, we can continue to <br />move forward for the betterment of the fire <br />service and the citizens of Lee County. It is our <br />sincere hope that you will give full consideration <br />to our recommendation. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />