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BOOK 2O' PAGE 75 <br />Aye: Adams, Brown, Hincks, Lemmond, Paschal, Reives, and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Commissioner Adams moved to approve Tax Releases and Refunds for <br />December 2005 as listed on the consent agenda. Upon a vote, the results were as <br />follows: <br />Aye: Adams, Brown, Hincks, Paschal, Reives, and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />Abstain: Lemmond <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />No one signed up to speak during the Public Comments section of the meeting. <br />Revaluation Coordinator Mike Cole gave a monthly update on the 2007 <br />Revaluation Project. Mr. Cole stated that the months of December and January had <br />been very good and that things are going well. He further stated that he feels the July <br />deadline will be met. Commissioners Hincks and Brown had questions concerning how <br />inspections on new homes are handled between the Inspections Department and Tax <br />Office. Mr. Cole was to research the matter and respond to Commissioner's Hincks and <br />Brown's questions. <br />The Board considered a vehicle tax appeal for Mr. Joseph Mark Edwards. Tax <br />Administrator Kep Kepley told the Board that Mr. Edwards had requested an adjustment <br />for a vehicle bill from 2000 in the amount of $371.33. Once tags are turned into the <br />North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles, there is a one-year time period to request a <br />prorated refund (per N.C.G.S. 105-330.6(b). Mr. Kepley stated that since the tags were <br />turned into the Department of Motor Vehicles in 2000, when the vehicle was sold, Mr. <br />Edward's time for this type of request has past. County Attorney K. R. Hoyle stated that <br />per General Statute, the Commissioners have no control over the issue since the matter <br />is over one year old. The Board instructed Mr. Kepley to notify Mr. Edwards that the <br />Board of Commissioners has no control over this matter due to the one-year time <br />deadline. No action was taken on the matter. <br />Mr. Joe Cherry, Chairman of the Employee Selection Committee told <br />Commissioners that Ms. Tonya Sloan, Health Check Coordinator with the Lee County <br />Health Department had been selected as the January 2006 Employee of the Month. <br />Chairman Hincks presented Ms. Sloan her awards which included a day off with pay, a <br />star award, a framed certificate, a pizza from Papa John's Pizza, Coca Cola products <br />from Sanford Coca Cola, and a movie rental from Movie Gallery. Ms. Sloan will be <br />considered for the Employee of the Year Award in December. <br />The Board considered Investment Guidelines for the Lee County Economic <br />Development Corporation. Economic Development Director Bob Heuts told the Board <br />the revised Investment Guideline is a guideline, not a policy that will set a higher <br />3 <br />