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BOOK 22 P.,sE 380 <br />Introduction <br />In 2003, Congress passed the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACT Act) to <br />address the increasing problems with identity theft and misuse of personal information of <br />consumers. In November 2007, the final rules (known as the Red Flag Rules) and <br />guidelines were issued to implement the FACT Act with an effective date of January 1, 2008 <br />and with full compliance required by November 1, 2008. In October 2008 the Federal Trade <br />Commission (FTC) suspended mandatory enforcement of the new "Red Flag Rule" until <br />August 1, 2009 to give financial institutions and creditors additional time to develop and <br />implement written identity theft prevention programs. <br />The regulations, known as the identity theft "red flag" rules, require the entities they cover to <br />develop policies and procedures to recognize and respond to circumstances that may <br />indicate identity theft has occurred for both new and existing accounts. The new set of <br />regulations is intended to help prevent:, detect, and respond to possible signals (red flags) to <br />mitigate identity theft. <br />The rules apply to financial institutions and creditors (a term that is defined to include any <br />government agency that "regularly extends, renews, or continues credit") who establish or <br />maintain covered accounts containing customer identifying information as defined by the <br />FACT Act of 2003. These rules apply to local governments when they provide a service for <br />which payment if deferred until a future elate. <br />This policy is being initiated in order for tie County of Lee to comply with three (3) new FACT <br />Act regulations referred to as the Red Flag Rules, section 114 and 315 of the FACT Act. The <br />FTC's portion of the rules is contained in Part 681 of Title 16 of the Code of Federal <br />Regulations. <br />Purpose <br />The purpose of this policy is to identify programs and services (accounts) where information <br />is collected by the County from citizens in a "creditor" relationship, determine whether such <br />information is maintained in "covered accounts" containing customer "identifying <br />information" per federal regulations, and establish procedures for the security of such <br />information if necessary. <br />Definitions <br />Covered Account - An account that a financial institution or creditor offers or <br />maintains, primarily for personal, family or household purposes, that involves or is <br />designed to permit multiple payments or transactions; or any other account that the <br />financial institution or creditor offers or maintains for which there is a reasonably <br />foreseeable risk to customers or to the safety and soundness of the financial <br />institution or creditor from identity theft, including financial, operational, compliance, <br />reputation or litigation risks. <br />Identity Theft/Red Flag Rules Page 2 <br />