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LEE COUNTY <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />-scox --29 p -753 <br />MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING <br />OF THE <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />FOR THE <br />COUNTY OF LEE, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />JANUARY 20. 2006 <br />The special meeting of the Board of Commissioners for the County of Lee, State <br />of North Carolina, convened at 4:00 p.m. in the County Manager's Conference Room, <br />Room 100, Lee County Government Center, Sanford, North Carolina, on said date. <br />Commissioners present were Robert H. Brown, Herbert A. Hincks, Jerry M. Lemmond, <br />Nathan E. Paschal, and Amy L. Stevens. Commissioners W. Chad Adams and Robert <br />T. Reives participated via teleconference. Other member's present included staff from <br />the Lee County Board of Elections Office and members of the Lee County Elections <br />Board. <br />Chairman Hincks presided and the following matter was transacted: <br />County Attorney K. R. Hoyle delivered the invocation. <br />County Manager David Smitherman explained that today, January 20, 2006, is <br />the deadline that North Carolina counties must inform the State Board of Elections <br />(SBOE) of their intent for compliance with S223. Specifically, counties are required to <br />inform the SBOE of their decision to order optical scan or direct record electronic voting <br />equipment from the State's only certified vendor, ES&S. Mr. Smitherman stated that the <br />Lee County Board of Elections met on January 19, 2006, and adopted a resolution <br />(copy attached) informing the Board of Commissioners of their desire to use paper <br />ballots in the May 2006 primary and to purchase 14 DIRE machines to achieve <br />compliance with all federal ADA requirements. Mr. Smitherman further stated that the <br />Lee County Board of Elections expects to receive $197,776.00 in Help America Vote <br />Act (HAVA) grant funds that can be used toward the purchase of optical scan machines. <br />Additional HAVA funding may be available once all counties have received their grants. <br />It is also understood that HAVA monies will be available to retrofit MicroVote machines, <br />which Lee County currently owns, if they are certified to meet all requirements of S223. <br />Chairman Hincks read a resolution proposed by the Board of Commissioners <br />instructing the Board of Elections to prepare for and administer a paper ballot election <br />for the May 2006 primary and purchase fourteen OCR machines from ES&S to comply <br />with ADA recommendations for the May 2006 primary election. After some discussion <br />