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0 0 <br />BOOK 21 PAGE 902 <br />Ms Mary Yow from the Employee Selection Committee introduced Ms. Stella Headen, <br />Vital Records Deputy Registrar, with the Lee County Health Department as the December 2007 <br />Employee of the Month. Chairman Brown presented Ms. Headen with her awards which include a <br />day off with pay, a Star Award, a framed certificate, a pizza, compliments of Papa John's Pizza, <br />Coca Cola products from Sanford Coca Cola Bottling Company, and a movie rental from the <br />Movie Gallery. <br />Social Services Director Brenda Potts introduced new employee Ms. Kelly Cobb, Adoption <br />Foster Care Social Worker. Chairman Brown presented Ms. Cobb with a Lee County pin. <br />The Board considered additions/changes to the agenda. County Attorney K. R. Hoyle <br />asked the Board to consider a Declaration showing the County has acquired 9.45 acres of land <br />located in Lee County to be used for recreational purposes. County Manager John Crumpton <br />asked the Board to (1) approve a bid from The Wooten Company for administration services for <br />the 2005 CDBG Scattered Site Housing Program Project, and (2) approve a letter of support from <br />BRAC to complete a Regional Working Land Study to identify agricultural areas of the region and <br />develop land conservation plans to preserve farm land in the area. Mr. Crumpton also asked that <br />item "D" (Amendment to Triangle TARPO Memorandum of Understanding) be pulled from the <br />Consent Agenda, per Triangle J's request. Commissioner Lemmond asked that items "N & O" be <br />pulled from the Consent Agenda (grant requests for a Drug Enforcement Agent and Gang Officer) <br />for further discussion. <br />Commissioner Lemmond moved to approve the agenda as amended. Upon a vote, the <br />results were as follows: <br />Aye: Brown, Kelly, Lemmond, Paschal, Reives, and Shook <br />Nay: None <br />Absent: Smith <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Commissioner Paschal moved to approve the Consent Agenda as amended, which <br />consisted of the following items: <br />• Minutes from i'?e November 5, 2007 regular meeting, <br />• Minutes from the November 15, 2007 special meeting, <br />• Tax Releases and Refunds for October 2007 (copy attached); <br />• Lee County Public Health Pandemic Influenza Plan, <br />Application for State Aid to Pubic Libraries (copy attached); <br />• Resolution in recognition of Mr. Bobby Pow:al for winning Long Leaf Pine Award <br />(copy attached); <br />• Resolution to Adopt the Comprehensive Transportation Plan (copy attached), <br />• Annual appointment of Animal Cruelty Investigators, <br />• Acceptance of Healthy Carolinians Grant award in the amount of $12,048; <br />Budget amendment # 12/3/07/#12 (copy attached); <br />• Acceptance of NFL Youth Football Fund Grant in the amount of $2,000; <br />• Acceptance of $6,900 from New Atlantic Contracting for damaged storage building; <br />and <br />• Deep River-Northview Optimist Club Lease Agreement (copy attached). <br />