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Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Knecht, Parks, Reives, Smith, and Womack <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Tax Administrator Mary Yow and Appraisal Manager Lisa Faulkner gave an update on <br />the 2013 Revaluation Appeals Project. 2013 Revaluation notices were mailed n February 15, <br />2013 and taxpayers were allowed 30 days to file an informal appeal to ax Assessor. <br />Appraisal staff accepted written appeals by mail, on -line and in perso After the informal <br />appeal time passed, staff continued to review properties under app decision letters <br />were mailed on April 5, 2013. Taxpayers that wish to appeal f er o missed the <br />informal appeal deadline can appeal their 2013 value to the Board of ualizati djReview <br />The Board considered the appointm <br />Review. This item was added to the agen <br />General Statute §105 -322, the Board of C <br />Board of Equalization and Review (Board of E <br />Herman Morris to serve as Chair. Comm <br />Commissioner Womack m o close nomin <br />results were as follows: <br />hairman for the Board of Equalization and <br />ing of the meeting. According to <br />sion must appoint the Chairman of the <br />R). Commissioner Dalrymple nominated Rev. <br />er Womack nominated Mike McDonald. <br />. Upon a vote of Rev. Morris as Chair, the <br />�,i 0, � 0 r/ ti <br />, fd Reives <br />and Wo mack <br />I <br />r. McDonald as Chair, the results were as follows: <br />;cht, Parks, Smith, and Womack <br />rymple, Frazier, and Reives <br />The Ch man ruled that Mr. Mike McDonald had been selected as Chairman of the Lee <br />County Boar of Equalization and Review. <br />At this time, the Board took a 5- minute recess. Upon returning from recess with all <br />members present, the meeting resumed. <br />4 <br />