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0 <br />Commissioner Womack moved to approve the Consent Agenda which consisted of the <br />following items: <br />• Minutes from the April 1, 2013 meeting, and <br />• Tax Releases and Refunds for March 2013 (copy attached). <br />:eting. <br />The Board considered a Resolution <br />Related to which involves moving Lee <br />County into a new economic region based <br />in the Charlott a. Currently Lee County is <br />placed with the Raleigh- Durham Region and <br />the Triangle J C f Governments and the <br />Research Triangle Regional Partnership. County <br />Manager Joh rumpton stated this item <br />has been deferred at the last two Comm <br />' meetings un it more information could be <br />obtained and the Resolution could be r <br />Mr. Crumpton pres ented a re- drafted <br />Resolution presented by County Attorney P� <br />asking for the State to review its <br />current structure and to make consolidations <br />han s that benefit all the citizens of North <br />Z e* <br />Carolina. Commissioner Dalrymple referencminor <br />spelling correction that needed to be <br />made to the Resolution. After discussionmissioner <br />Reives moved to approve the <br />amended and corrected ion Related <br />127, a copy of which is attached to these <br />Minutes and by this refq nce e a part hereof. <br />Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />e Board ` nsidered Economic Incentives Guidelines. County Manager John <br />Crump tated t Board had expressed interest in updating its Economic Incentives <br />Guideline ever versions of the "draft" document were reviewed and discussed during the <br />March 18 ril 1 St meetings. Mr. Crumpton stated he had taken all the draft documents <br />and consolida d them into Guidelines for the Board to consider. Commissioner Womack <br />moved to approve the Economic Development Guidelines as presented by the County <br />Manager. Commissioner Frazier expressed concerns he had with the number of employees <br />small businesses would have to maintain and the $20 million investment; feels it will hurt new <br />businesses coming into the area. He suggested the Board study further before adoption. <br />Commissioner Dalrymple expressed concerns she had with the number of jobs required, <br />2 <br />Hnnn n vnte the reci ilfe Uiere ne fn11n1A1e• <br />