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BK -00025 PG:0466 <br />D. Title VI Compliance Officer: The person or persons responsible for compliance <br />with the Title VI LEP policies. <br />E. Substantial number of LEP: 5% or 1,000 people, whichever is smaller, are <br />potential applicants or recipients of the agency and speak a primary language <br />other than English and have limited English proficiency. <br />III. Providing Notice to LEP Individuals <br />A. The agency will take appropriate steps to inform all applicants, recipients, <br />community organizations, and other interested persons, including those whose <br />primary language is other than English, of the provisions of this policy. Such <br />notification will also identify the name, office telephone number, and office <br />address of the Title VI compliance officer(s). <br />List the current name, office telephone number and office address of the <br />Title VI compliance officers: <br />Karen Kennedy <br />Community Development Manager <br />PO Box 3729 <br />225 East Weatherspoon St. <br />Sanford, NC 27331 <br />(919) 777 -1113 <br />[Note: The agency must notify the interested State/Federal Agencies <br />compliance office immediately of changes in name or contact information for <br />the Title VI compliance officer.] <br />B. The agency will post and maintain signs in regularly encountered languages other <br />than English in waiting rooms, reception areas and other initial points of contact. <br />These signs will inform applicants and beneficiaries of their right to free language <br />assistance services and invite them to identify themselves as persons needing such <br />services. <br />Identify areas within the agency where these signs will be posted: <br />These signs will be posted in the Sanford Municipal Center, Lee County <br />Government Center and Woodland Avenue Offices, all of which are highly <br />visible to the public. <br />The agency will include statements of the right to free language assistance in <br />Spanish and other significant languages in all outreach material that is routinely, <br />disseminated to the public (including electronic text). <br />Lee County, NC 2 <br />Language Access Plan <br />