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BK:00025 PG -0485 <br />Page 5 of S <br />A. inclusion of strategies likely to promote changes in physical activity, healthy eating, tobacco use <br />prevention and control, diabetes self - management, injury or violence prevention in CA plan. <br />For the sake of clarity, Performance Measure #3 and the Reporting Requirements are unchanged. <br />V. Performance Monitoring and Quality Assurance <br />The following sentence is now effective through March 31, 2013: <br />The Healthy Communities program is monitored through bi- annual reports and conference calls with <br />DPH to review progress using the Progress Monitoring and Reporting (PMR) system. <br />The sentence above has been replaced with the following as ofApril 1, 2013: <br />The Healthy Communities program is monitored through bi- annual reports and conference calls with <br />DPH to review progress. <br />The following sentence is added as ofApril 1, 2013: <br />Failure to comply with the requirements listed above may result in a decrease in funding or removal <br />from consideration for future funding. <br />VI. Finding Guidelines or Restriction$, <br />The following sentence is now e through March 31, 2013: <br />Recipients may not generally use Healthy Communities program funding for the purchase of furniture or <br />equipment. However, if equipment purchase is integral to a selected strategy in the HC Plan, it will be <br />considered. <br />The sentence above has been replaced with the following as of April 1, 2013: <br />Recipients may not generally use Healthy Communities program funding for the purchase of office <br />furniture or computer equipment, however, if the purchase is integral to a selected strategy, it will be <br />considered. <br />For the sake of clarity, the remainder of this paragraph is unchanged. <br />Revised 9/26111 <br />