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RK.0 prv. nA7Q <br />LEE COUNTY <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />RESOLUTION OF THE LEE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSSIONERS <br />ADDRESSING FY 2012 -13 BUDGET SHORTFALLS <br />WHEREAS, the North Carolina Budget and Fiscal Control Act requires that all local governments maintain a <br />balanced budget; and, <br />WHEREAS, current sales tax receipts are projected to fall five (5) percent below budget for the current fiscal year; <br />and, <br />WHEREAS, departments have forecasted a reduction in State and Federal revenues that will adversely affect <br />their budgets in the current fiscal year; and, <br />WHEREAS, departmental forecasts have estimated that the County will use over $3.1 million dollar of fund <br />balance, which would lower the County's fund balance as a percentage of total budgeted expenditures below the <br />stated minimum goal of 14 percent; and, <br />WHEREAS, the County Manager acting as the Budget Officer for the County is recommending that the <br />Commissioners take action in the last quarter of the year to minimize the use of fund balance in the current fiscal <br />year; <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE LEE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS that: <br />Section 1. The Lee County Board of Commissioners enacts a hiring freeze for all positions open and not <br />currently advertised for replacement and that all positions which open between now and June 30, <br />2013 be frozen until the County Commissioners act to remove the freeze; and, <br />Section 2. Cancel all capital purchases for the remainder of the year, unless an emergency creates a need <br />for such a purchase; and, <br />Section 3. Reduce all spending to what the County Manager deems as necessary for operations to continue <br />at a basic level; and, <br />Section 4. Request that all departments immediately reduce operational expenses so as to minimize the <br />impact on the County's Fund Balance. <br />Adopted this 1 st day of April 2013. <br />al <br />to the Board <br />f , 4 <br />Y <br />l��k <br />Charles T. Parks, Chairman <br />Lee County Board of Commissioners <br />