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RK•nnn Pr:•nAR1 <br />Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Parks, Reives, Smith, and Womack <br />Nay: None <br />Absent: Knecht <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />No one signed up to speak during the Public Comments section of the meeting. <br />The Board considered a Language Access Plan for the Lee County CDBG Project that had <br />been removed from the Consent Agenda at the beginning of the meeting. Planner Karen Kennedy from <br />the City- County Community Development office stated that in order to be in compliance with Title VI of <br />the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and with Executive Order 13166, signed August 2000, Lee County must <br />adopt an updated Language Access Plan for all State and federally funded programs administered by <br />the County. The Language Access Plan adopted in 2010 expired in 2012. The effective date of the new <br />Plan will be September 2012 and expire in 2014. This requirement is relative to the 2011 Scattered <br />Site Housing project currently being administered by staff. Ms. Kennedy answered questions from <br />Board members in reference to the Plan. After discussion, Commissioner Smith moved to approve the <br />Language Access Plan for Lee County, a copy of which is attached to these Minutes and by this <br />reference made a part hereof. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Parks, Reives, Smith, and Womack <br />Nay: None <br />Absent: Knecht <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered a Resolution Opposing SB 127 to move Lee County into a new economic <br />region. Action on this Resolution was deferred at the March 18 meeting until more information could <br />be obtained from surrounding counties that will be involved in the switch and DOT representatives. A <br />bill now in committee in the NC Senate would move Lee County into a new economic region based <br />around Charlotte (2 % hours from Lee County). Currently Lee County is placed with the Raleigh - <br />Durham Region and the Triangle J Council of Governments and the Research Triangle Regional <br />Partnership. County Manager John Crumpton stated that Orange, Chatham and Moore counties are <br />also in opposition to the switch. Commissioner Dalrymple moved to approve the Resolution Opposing <br />SB 127. Commissioner Womack stated he had made calls to the Charlotte area, DOT and DENER. <br />He stated he didn't think it was worth the time to fight the bill; not even sure the bill will pass legislation. <br />The Bill is only for discussion at this time. He doesn't want to send mixed signals to Raleigh at this <br />time. Commissioner Frazier stated the Board should go along with what the County Manager has <br />provided; the Board needs to trust him. Commissioner Womack stated he would like to see the <br />Resolution rewritten with a positive message to the legislature. County Attorney Neil Yarborough <br />stated he would rewrite the Resolution for the April 15 meeting. After further discussion, <br />Commissioner Dalrymple withdrew her motion and moved to defer action on the matter until the April <br />15 meeting. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Parks, Reives, Smith, and Womack <br />Nay: None <br />Absent: Knecht <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously <br />2 <br />