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BK - 00025 PG <br />and the per capita method of distribution each year by adopting a resolution during the <br />month of April and filing it with the Department of Revenue within fifteen days of <br />adoption. A schedule was provided showing levy figures that would apply to distributions <br />in the current year. <br />Mr. Parks asked Board members for budget directions for the County Manager. <br />The following items were discussed that would impact the upcoming budget: <br />• Employment (new jobs) <br />• Bond issues <br />• Tax income (1 company went bankrupt last year) <br />• Civic Center (privatization) <br />• New classroom buildings at CCCC <br />• Building to combine Planning, Inspections, Community <br />Development, and GIS departments, and <br />• Caseload increases for Health and Social Services <br />Commissioners gave individual remarks on the sales tax distribution change and <br />other items of interest which included the following comments: <br />Commissioner Frazier — leave things as they currently are; need to bring all <br />citizens together. <br />Commissioner Knecht — a change (positive) needs to be made; the City <br />needs to stay with our agreements. <br />Commissioner Dalrymple — wants sales tax distribution to stay the same <br />with no change. Need to notify the City, Broadway and County staff as <br />soon as possible of what might happen. <br />Commissioner Reives — wants to leave sales tax distribution as it currently <br />is with no change. If it is changed, he likes the idea of putting money in <br />capital reserve. <br />Commissioner Womack — wants to give tax relief to the citizens; can adjust <br />later if a change is needed; would like to see the tax rate under 70 cents <br />per $100 (would like to see it at 69 ' / 2 cents); no new capital purchases, <br />and wants to see a completed space needs study. <br />Commissioner Smith — wants a 3 cent tax decrease and a change to the <br />sales tax distribution method; would like to see 1 cent of the sales tax <br />placed in capital reserve. <br />Commissioner Parks — responsible for the county and services for all <br />citizens; wants to see taxes reduced by 2 — 3 cents; wants to maintain <br />services <br />Mr. Crumpton shared with the Board how he could cut the tax rate by 4 cents <br />which includes using 2 cents of the sales tax distribution (placing 1 cent in reserve for <br />capital needs), take 1 cent from Board of Education for teacher assistants and tutors <br />(ending of 2 -year agreement), and take 1 cent from operations. <br />Consensus of the Board was to change the sales tax distribution to the ad <br />valorem method and have a resolution for approval at the April 1 st meeting of the Board. <br />2 <br />