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l ? J <br />LEE COUNTY <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />BUDGET KICKOFF WORK SESSION <br />OF THE <br />LEE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />DENNIS A. WICKER CIVIC CENTER <br />1801 NASH STREET <br />SANFORD, NORTH CAROLINA 27330 <br />MARCH 15, 2013 <br />A budget kickoff work session of the Lee Coun oard Commissioners for the <br />County of Lee, State of North Carolina, convened an the upstairs Executive <br />Conference Room at the Dennis A. Wicker Civic Ce 1801 Nash Street, Sanford, <br />North Carolina on said date. Commissioners present wer y M. Dalrymple, Dr. Ricky <br />D. Frazier, Dr. Andre Knecht, Charles T. Parks, Robert T. . es, Kirk D. Smith, and <br />James K. Womack. Staff in attendance included County anager John Crumpton, <br />Assistant r/ Manager/Finance Dirk% j / % Minter, Law Clerk Kerry Schmid, and <br />Clerk to the Board Gaynell <br />Chairman Parks called the budget wok session to order. <br />Commissioner Fraelivered the i <br />Assistant C Ma er /Fina ce Director Lisa Minter presented the Monthly <br />Financial Report for m ary 2013. <br />Ms. Minter presentfiudget summary for FY 2012 -13 that showed the <br />projected s and ex ditures for the year that were recently submitted by <br />depart nts. rtment budgets were submitted March 4 th and the County Manager <br />will in meeting'' h department heads within the next couple of weeks to review their <br />re u nd proje " , ns for the upcoming year. <br />Coil% ager John Crumpton presented a report that had been completed by <br />Davenport & mpany, LLC that outlined the County's current outstanding debt. <br />At this time, the Board took a 10- minute break. Upon returning from break, with <br />all members present, the work session resumed. <br />County Manager John Crumpton discussed the sales tax distribution method. A <br />report was provided reflecting the potential impact of a change in the sales tax <br />distribution method in Lee County. Currently sales taxes are distributed within the <br />County on a per capital basis. The County can select between the ad valorem method <br />