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We understand the rationale behind this point and that it is supported by a 3,600 signature <br />petition. With that stated, our concern with this particular provision is how do you <br />enforce it objectively, particularly when there is a desire to focus recruitment efforts on <br />like industry types or "clusters "? Furthermore, we find this item to be anti - competitive <br />and it sets the County Commissioners up to be subjective arbiters of competition, which, <br />if legal, would present a myriad of challenges to the individual commissioners. We also <br />have empirical evidence of the long -term results of this type of policy or guideline in the <br />form of Siler City, NC. For years, the Boling Chair Company did everything in their <br />power to exclude other industry in order to protect its labor force. Now Boling Chair is <br />gone and where is Siler City from an Economic Development standpoint. <br />4. While we like the job creation guideline we disagree with this guideline. We think a <br />tiered system that rewards job creation andlor investment is a better approach. Our <br />thoughts are the minimum level of job creation ought to start at 10 jobs with more <br />incentives, either a higher percentage of property tax relief, number of years or both, <br />provided for different levels of job creation. We feel that providing annual reports when <br />provided to the NC Department of Revenue should be sufficient with the idea being to <br />limit the staff required to audit the company's employment while concurrently not being <br />more burdensome on employers. <br />5. Understood and Agreed. <br />6. As stated in #4, we think a tiered system for investment is the way to go. We would <br />recommend a starting point of $1.5 Million in new investment with more incentives <br />provided, as described in #4, the higher the new investment. <br />7. While sympathetic to the intent behind this guideline, we cannot support this wording due <br />to the fact that in practice, most corporate counsels will not allow their client to sign such <br />a provision due to the potential for technical violation. We think this can be better <br />covered in the individual incentive agreement versus publishing it as an adopted <br />guideline and support the idea to avoid misunderstandings as has happened previously. <br />8. We do not agree with the wording of this guideline. Based on the current environment, <br />not being able to discuss an incentive package will eliminate Lee County from every site <br />selection process and possibly eliminate it from the list of communities that the <br />Department of Commerce will work with. <br />9. We do not agree with the language of this guideline. It has been our experience and <br />observation that infrastructure is generally provided in addition to the property tax <br />incentive and should not be viewed as an alternative to them except in unique <br />circumstances. In those unique cases, it would be dealt with in that specific agreement <br />and thus is better off being left unstated in these guidelines or have the phrase "in <br />addition to" inserted. <br />10. Agreed and Understood. <br />