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community development. They are interested in partnering with the Chamber of Commerce as an all - <br />inclusive business recruiting and advocating organization and will be presenting a draft organization <br />model at the upcoming March 1S Economic Growth Session. <br />The Committee discussed the current Parks and Recreation Agreement. It was felt that no <br />changes needed to be made, other than cleaning up some language in the current agreement. It was <br />agreed that the Parks and Recreation Department does a good job and this is a good service for all the <br />citizens of Sanford and Lee County. While the City does not contribute to the Parks and Recreation <br />budget they do undertake such projects as the greenway walking trail and neighborhood parks that are <br />beneficial to all the residents. City Council member Poly Cohen stated the County should give more <br />money to the Parks and Recreation Department. <br />It was agreed by the Committee that the County will not charge the City $64,000 annually for <br />animal control services each year. Everyone felt the Sheriff's Department was doing a great job on <br />animal control issues. The City doesn't think they should be charged for animal control because it is a <br />public service to all the citizens. Commissioner Womack stated this matter should be taken off the <br />table. <br />The agreement with Geographic Information Services (GIS) and Strategic Services was <br />discussed. The City stated they were happy with the service provided by this department but doesn't <br />think they are getting $100,000 worth of service but would like to see the department receive more <br />funding to help them advance to the next level. It was felt by all Committee members that the <br />department needed to grow. Commissioner Womack suggested funding be split according to the ad <br />valorem tax method. The City and County Manager's will work on a formula for funding this department. <br />Water, sewer and annexation issues were briefly discussed. County Committee members feel <br />there is a forced annexation perception, and they want the ability to help plan where water extensions <br />will go in the county and be allowed to participate. This would be a project the County would work with <br />the Planning Department on. <br />County Manager John Crumpton stated he would put something in writing showing what has <br />been resolved from the Committee meetings. The Committee agreed to meet for their final follow -up <br />meeting at 1 p.m., Monday, March 11, 2013 in the West End Conference Room, Sanford City Hall, 225 <br />E. Weatherspoon Street. <br />The sub - committee adjourned at 1:05 p.m. <br />�: <br />es a ully Submitted <br />Gaynell M. Lee, Clerk <br />Lee County Board of Commissioners <br />