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BOOK 21 PAGE 49G <br />• Minutes of the March 19, 2007 regular meeting; <br />• Acceptance of a $500 donation to the Parks and Recreation <br />Department from the Kiwanis Club of Sanford; <br />• Proclamation for National Volunteer Week (copy attached); <br />• Resolution honoring Tax Listing Manager Mary Yow (copy <br />attached); <br />• Request for DOT to conduct a traffic study on Nicholson Road; <br />• Approval of Johnston-Lee-Harnett Community Action FY 2007-08 <br />Community Services Block Grant Program; <br />• Proclamation for N.C. Department of Transportation Spring LITTER <br />SWEEP roadside cleanup (copy attached); <br />• Acceptance of donated amateur radio equipment for the <br />Emergency Management Office valued at $4,500; <br />• Annual Consolidated Agreement between the Lee County Health <br />Department and the State Division of Health Services; <br />• Approval for the Health Department to increase standard fee for <br />DOT physical exams in the Primary Care Program from $35 to $75; <br />and <br />• Resolution in memory of former Commissioner Dr. John Dotterer <br />(copy attached) <br />Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Brown, Kelly, Lemmond, Paschal, Reives, Shook, and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />At this time the Board conducted a public hearing that had been <br />advertised for this date and time for public comments in reference to an <br />economic development project with Wyeth for the extension of utilities and other <br />site preparation on property owned by it in the Lee County Industrial Park for the <br />construction of an administrative building containing at least 180,000 square feet, <br />with an initial taxable value of at least $50,000,000.00. Mr. Bob Heuts, Director <br />of the Economic Development Corporation discussed the project and stated the <br />proposed new facility would result in the retention and creation of a substantial <br />number of jobs in Lee County and would further the economic development of <br />the County, would provide gainful employment, and be in the best interests of the <br />people of Lee County. Mr. Heuts further stated that $911,858.00 is being <br />requested from the County for the cost of the project. <br />Chairman Brown opened the public hearing. <br />Mr. Bob Heuts, representing the Lee County Economic Development <br />Corporation stated he was in favor of the proposed project. <br />2 <br />