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0 a <br />BOOK 21 PAGE 47j <br />The Board considered additions/changes to the agenda. With no <br />additions or changes presented, Commissioner Stevens moved to approve the <br />agenda as presented. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Brown, Kelly, Lemmond, Paschal, Reives, Shook, and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Commissioner Reives moved to approve the Consent Agenda as <br />presented, which consisted of the following items: <br />• Minutes from the February 12-13, 2007 Planning Retreat <br />• Minutes from the February 19, 2007 regular meeting <br />• Minutes from the February 21, 2007 special meeting <br />• Minutes from the February 26, 2007 special work session <br />• Ronald McDonald Charities grant request from Hillcrest Youth <br />Shelter ($13,000) <br />• Juvenile Justice Partnership Council grant for Youth Services <br />• Proclamation for Public Health Week (per attached copy) <br />• Tax Releases and Refunds for February 2007 (per attached copy) <br />• Runaway and Homeless Youth grant for Youth Services ($75,000) <br />• Resolution Designating Signatures for Lee County accounts (per <br />attached copy) <br />• Budget amendment # 03/19/07/#15 (per attached copy) <br />• Support of ICE (Immigration and Naturalization Act) Program for <br />the Sheriffs Department <br />Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Brown, Kelly, Lemmond, Paschal, Reives, Shook, and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Commissioner Stevens read aloud the Proclamation for Public Health <br />Week that will be observed April 2-8, 2007. <br />No one present signed up to speak during the Public Comments section of <br />the meeting. <br />The Board considered a resolution tabled at the last meeting addressing <br />action from the annual Commissioners' Planning Retreat held on February 12-13, <br />2007 in Broadway. Commissioner Reives stated he had a concern with the <br />2 <br />