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2007 - 01-22-07 Regular Meeting
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2007 - 01-22-07 Regular Meeting
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2/25/2009 3:21:45 PM
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1/15/2009 2:01:06 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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0 0 <br />BOOK 21 PAGE 418 <br />Reives also asked for clarification as to why some children were not allowed to <br />take books home because there are not enough in the classroom to go around. <br />Mr. Tatum stated he would research both matters and furnish information to the <br />Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Shook discussed two recent Mental Health articles published <br />in the News & Observer that Commissioner Reives had discussed at the January <br />8, 2007 meeting. Mr. Reives stated he mentioned the articles because it involved <br />Sandhills Mental Health Director Mike Watson and he felt the Commissioners <br />needed to be aware of the matters since it could result in additional funding <br />requests. Mr. Reives further stated he would have appreciated it if Mr. Watson had <br />notified Commissioners before the articles in question appeared in the newspaper. <br />Commissioner Stevens left the meeting at this to attend a school meeting <br />that Chairman Brown asked her to attend in his absence. <br />Commissioner Shook had placed on the agenda a request for the Board to <br />discuss policies for submitting legislative goals and voting procedures for such. <br />She asked the item be tabled until the February 5, 2007 meeting since <br />Commissioner Stevens had to leave the meeting early and is one of the Lee <br />County Legislative delegates. <br />Commissioner Lemmond discussed the growing methamphetamine <br />problems. He stated that farmers sometimes use anhydrous ammonia to fertilize <br />fields, but it is also a key ingredient for the highly addictive drug <br />methamphetamine. Although security measures are taken by the fertilizer industry, <br />including installing locks on the tanks, meth makers have been largely undeterred. <br />Commissioner Lemmond asked the Board's support to seek legislation to address <br />stricter security measures by the fertilizer industry. After some discussion, <br />Commissioner Lemmond moved that a resolution of support addressing stricter <br />security measures by the fertilizer industry be drafted and submitted to legislative <br />delegates in Raleigh and Washington, DC, for support. Upon a vote, the results <br />were as follows: <br />Aye: Brown, Kelly, Lemmond, Paschal, Reives, and Shook <br />Nay: None <br />Absent: Stevens <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Commissioner Lemmond stated the National Association of Counties <br />(NACo) does a monthly article on County Seals. He further stated he was very <br />proud of Lee County's Seal and therefore moved that a copy of the Lee County <br />Seal and information explaining the Seal be forwarded to the National Association <br />of Counties (NACo) Newsletter for possible publication. Upon a vote, the results <br />were as follows: <br />6 <br />
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