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00 00 <br />BOOK 21 PAGE 41G <br />County Manager David Smitherman recommended the Grocery check <br />program be discontinued and instead provide a $25.00 "Chamber Check" to all <br />employees not qualifying for the longevity program. After further discussion, <br />Commissioner Reives moved to deny the County Manager's recommendation and <br />continue with all employees receiving a $25.00 Christmas check/card. Upon a <br />vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Brown, Kelly, Lemmond, Paschal, Reives, Shook, and Stevens <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Economic Development Director Bob Heuts presented to the Board a <br />detailed five-year analysis of his department showing appropriations from the <br />County, City and Town of Broadway. Mr. Heuts discussed companies that have <br />completed various changes in one way or the other at their facility whether it was <br />an increase in employees, expansion, of some other type change. It was stated <br />that these companies in question did not necessarily receive incentives from the <br />County/City. Also discussed were various companies that did receive any type <br />incentive through the EDC Office. It was noted that Lee County has advanced from <br />a Tier 3 County to a Tier 2 County. This matter will be discussed in more detail at <br />the upcoming Commissioners Retreat to be held February 12-13, 2007. <br />Commissioner Reives had questions of Mr. Heuts in reference to the recent <br />Hummingbird Project and wetland issues at the new Industrial Park. Mr. Heuts <br />stated the County had provided funding for some work completed in the wetland <br />area but there are still issues that need to be addressed and finalized. Mr. John <br />Daniel, Chairman of the Economic Development Corporation addressed the Board <br />and stated the EDC Board wants to be proactive and have a good working <br />relationship with the Board of Commissioners. Mr. Daniel also stated he would like <br />the EDC Board and the Board of Commissioners to hold a work session to discuss <br />the incentive process. No action was taken on this matter. <br />The Board considered an amendment to the Rural Fire Department <br />contracts. Fire Marshal Derrick Clouston told the Board that in May 2003 all Rural <br />Fire Departments entered into agreements with the County of Lee for fire and <br />rescue protection in their designated district. Mr. Clouston stated that all fire <br />department are now providing emergency medical response, in addition to fire and <br />rescue protection, for and within their districts; therefore an amendment to the <br />Original Agreement needs to be approved by the Board. County Attorney K. R. <br />Hoyle had drafted necessary documents for signature by each volunteer fire <br />department once approved by the Board of Commissioners. Mr. Clouston stated <br />that Fire Department Charter's will need to be updated and revised to incorporate <br />revisions. After some discussion, Commissioner Stevens moved to approve the <br />First Amendment to the Original Agreement and a Resolution Authorizing <br />Execution and Delivery of First Amendment to the Original Agreement Between <br />Lee County and Various Fire Departments, copies of which are attached to these <br />4 <br />