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BOOK 21 PAGE <br />Services, and the transfer of funding for BRAC. After some discussion, <br />® Commissioner Lemmond moved to approve budget amendment # 01/08/07/#10, <br />a copy of which is attached to these minutes and by this reference made a part <br />hereof. <br />Commissioner Lemmond discussed with the Board a request to apply for <br />a grant through the Environmental Impact Resource Conservation & <br />Development (RC&D) for stream restoration at Buchanan Park. Mr. Lemmond <br />stated banks along the stream at the Park are eroding and the road is washing <br />out near the parking area that leads to the children's park. He further stated the <br />bridge across the stream needs to be repaired or replaced. Mr. Lemmond stated <br />it will cost approximately $75,000 for the above-mentioned project renovations <br />and the County may be asked to contribute matching funds for the project. After <br />some discussion, Commissioner Stevens moved to submit paperwork to RC&D <br />for a $75,000 grant to be used for stream restoration at Buchanan Park. Upon a <br />vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Brown, Kelly, Lemmond, Paschal, Reives, Stevens, and Shook <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Commissioner Reives discussed with the Board two recent articles that <br />appeared in The News and Observer in reference to Mental Health Reform. The <br />Clerk was asked to furnish each Commissioner with a copy of the two articles in <br />question, copies of which are attached to these minutes and by this reference <br />made a part hereof. No action was taken. <br />Commissioner Reives discussed a recent report submitted by Economic <br />Development Director Bob Heuts in reference to a breakdown of what EDC has <br />spent on incentives over the past five (5) years. Mr. Reives stated he would like <br />an update from Mr. Heuts on recent changes to incentives offered. After some <br />discussion, Chairman Brown asked the County Manager to invite Mr. Heuts to <br />the January 22, 2007, meeting to discuss these matters. Commissioner Shook <br />asked for more detailed information on the projects discussed in the EDC report. <br />She also stated this might be good discussion for the upcoming February <br />Commissioner's Retreat. <br />The Board considered an appointment to the Mid-Carolina Workforce <br />Development Board. The Clerk ran an ad in The Sanford Herald on December <br />15, 2006, asking for interested people to submit applications. One application <br />was received from Mr. Richard (Bud) Schlademan. Commissioner Lemmond <br />moved to accept the application submitted by Mr. Richard (Bud) Schlademan to <br />serve on the Mid-Carolina Workforce Development Board and filling the <br />unexpired term of Mr. James Powers. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />19 <br />6 <br />