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F 70K 9 p~rc 7®~ <br />with the line of the New Hope Church lot 345. 6 feet to the <br />corner of said lot; and making a common corner for the <br />Church and School; thence at an angle 92 deg. 30 min. <br />from the latter course 337. 5 feet to an iron pipe; thence <br />at an angle of 87 deg. 30 min. with the latter corner <br />345. 6 feet to an iron pip(b a point on the old Gordon line <br />which is also the N. W. c orner of the Lodge Lot; thence, with <br />the old Gordon line 337. 5 feet to the BEGINNING, the whole <br />containing 2. 67 acres and being the lot on which now stands <br />New Hope Colored School, <br />2. The County Finance Officer is authorized to <br />receive in the Board of Commissioners behalf, bids at <br />public auction for the purchase of the described property. <br />3. The public auction will be held on Saturday, <br />July 12, 1980, at Route 3, Sanford, North Carolina, on the <br />premises, at 11:00 a, m. <br />4. The Clerk to the Board shall cause a notice of <br />the public auction to be published in accordance with G. S. <br />160A-270 (a). <br />5. The person making the highest bid shall deposit <br />with the Finance Officer of Lee County an amount equal to <br />57o of the bid. <br />6. The highest bid shall be reported to the Board <br />of Commissioners and must be accepted and confirmed by <br />the Board of Commissioners before the sale will be final. <br />7. That the Chairman be authorized to have the <br />corners to said property established and the grass mowed. <br />Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen seconded the motion and upon a <br />roll call vote, the resolution was unanimously adopted as follows: <br />AYE: Funderburke, Harmon, Nielsen, Rhyne and Wicker <br />NAY: None <br />The support of the Optimist Club in Deep River for the water <br />line at the school in the Deep River Community was reported to the Board. <br />Upon motion made, seconded and duly adopted, the meeting <br />was adjourned until 7 o'clock p, m. , on Monday, June 9, 1980, to reconvene <br />in the Commissioners Room of the County Office Building, The meeting <br />adjourned in accordance with the resolution. <br />~,,-C HA I RMAN <br />