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9 wvu 705 <br />0 <br />MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR <br />MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />FOR LEE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA <br />Tuesday, June 11th, 1980 „ f .1 1 r ' <br />The adjourned regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners for <br />the County of Lee, convened in the Commissioners Room on the second floor of the <br />County Office Building, 200 Wicker Street, Sanford, North Carolina, at 8:00 o'clock <br />a. m. , on Tuesday, June 11, 1980, the same being the time, place, and date specified <br />in the motion for adjournment. Those present were Commissioners Jack D. Funder- <br />burke, K. S. Harmon, Lila P. Nielsen, Clyde J. Rhyne and Gordon A. Wicker. <br />Chairman K. S. Harmon presided and the following business was <br />transacted: <br />Mr. W. H. Ray, Jr. , appeared before the Board on behalf of the. <br />Board of Elections, and spoke on the needs for additional voting machines. <br />Mr. Taylor Uzzell and Mr. Douglas Johnson, appeared before the <br />Board and reviewed the budget request on behalf of the Parks and Recreation Comm- <br />ission. The Board reviewed at length the budget proposal with the representatives. <br />The Board next reviewed the proposed budget with considerable time <br />devoted to the public school budget and the Library budget. <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker moved that the Finance Officer <br />be instructed to prepare a budget with a 65~ tax rate. Commissioner Jack D. Funder- <br />burke seconded the motion. There followed a discussion in which Commissioner <br />Rhyne stated that because of his many discussions with the school authorities, he was <br />not in a position to support the motion. There was a roll call vote with results as <br />follows: <br />AYE: Funderburke and Wicker <br />NAY: Nielsen, Rhyne and Harmon <br />The Chairman declared that the motion had failed and that the floor <br />was open for consideration of other motions. Commissioner Nielsen moved that the <br />Finance Officer be instructed to prepare a proposed budget at a 67i tax rate, which <br />reflected deleting $100, 000. 00 from the School Capital Reserve Fund and increasing <br />revenues by increasing fund balances by $55, 000. 00, and that the Finance Officer <br />advertise the proposed budget with a public hearing to be held on same at the Comm- <br />issioners Room at 7:00 o'clock p.m., on Monday, June 23, 1980. Commissioner <br />Funderburke seconded the motion and upon a roll call vote the results were as follows: <br />AYE: Funderburke, Nielsen and Harmon <br />NAY: Rhyne and Wicker <br />The Chairman declared that the motion had been duly adopted. <br />There being no further business to come before the session, it was <br />adjourned, sine die. / <br />N <br />NORTHOAROLINA,,LE&_WUNTtY r <br />for're9istmt1ori7en4he 3:dapzzk: <br />of 19:_(0 at il:d ~.LS:P-.•_M;I't <br />recordedon O.S-- <br />PattietW. McGilGery,,Registe-r-of Deeds` <br />