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Agenda Package 2-18-13 - Reg. Meeting
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Agenda Package 2-18-13 - Reg. Meeting
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2/13/2013 8:31:14 AM
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2/13/2013 8:28:08 AM
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The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />At this time, Commissioner Frazier introduced an exchange student from China that was visiting <br />in Lee County for a week. <br />Pursuant to N. C. General Statute 153A -52.1, Chairman Parks opened the floor for Public <br />Comments. The following signed up to speak and were allowed 3 minutes for comments: <br />1. Richard Hayes, 2004 Vantage Pointe, Sanford (opposition to Resolution <br />for gun control), <br />2. Ann McCracken, 520 Maplewood Drive, Sanford (opposition to Resolution <br />for gun control), <br />3. Ed Underwood, 3309 Westcott Circle, Sanford (opposition to Board <br />purchasing Apple Ipad's for a paperless agenda — should consider <br />alternative devices), and <br />4. Gladys McAuley, 2100 Eveton Lane, Sanford (opposition to Resolution <br />for gun control). <br />At this time, Community Development Director Bob Bridwell gave the Board an update on the <br />April 2011 tornado reconstruction. It was stated that there are 2 remaining structures damaged from <br />the storm that need to be demolished. One structure is inside the City of Sanford and the second is <br />located at 2008 Rice Road which is outside the City limits. The property owner, who lives out of <br />County, has notified Community Development that he does not have the funds to demolish the <br />structure but will be glad to work with the County on a repayment schedule so he can retain ownership <br />of the property. Mr. Bridwell stated he had received bids from 4 vendors for demolition services. His <br />recommendation to the Board was for the Commissioners to appropriate $2,375 to demolish the <br />structure (2008 Rice Road) and recoup the repayment by an agreement with the property owner. After <br />discussion, Commissioner Dalrymple moved to allow Mr. Bridwell and County Attorney Neil Yarborough <br />to work with the owner to demolish the structure located at 2008 Rice Road, work out a loan payment <br />plan with the property owner, and appropriate $2,375 from Fund Balance to pay for demolition services. <br />Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Knecht, Parks, Smith, and Womack <br />Nay: None <br />Absent: Reives <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The Board considered the purchase of a new cargo van for the General Services Department. <br />General Services Director Russell Spivey asked the Board's approval to purchase a new 2013 Ford <br />E250 extended length cargo van from State Contract. If approved, the van will replace a 1995 model <br />and be purchased from Capital Ford in Raleigh in the amount of $23,570.00. Funds in the amount of <br />$24,000.00 were approved in the FY 2012 -13 budget for this purchase. Commissioner Womack moved <br />to approve the purchase of a new 2013 Ford E250 cargo van for the General Services Department as <br />stated above. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Knecht, Parks, Smith, and Womack <br />Nay: None <br />Nay: Reives <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />2 <br />
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