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,C <br />N <br />9 NI,C~ 709 <br />LA <br />the holder or registered owner, at the principal off___ of <br />:Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company, New York, <br />: the United Sta tc_ O. <br />New 1Gr}:, in such CO II] Or CU rren C\' Or <br />America as at the time of payment shall be lecal tenC& for <br />the payment of public and private debts. <br />6. The bonds maturing on and after June 1, 19011 <br />shall be subject to redemption prior to their stated - turities <br />at the option of the County on or after June 1, 1990, =n whole <br />at any time or in part on any -interest payment daze, a_ a re- <br />demption price equal to the principal amount of each __nG to be <br />redeemed together with accrued interest thereon to -the _redenjption <br />date plus a redemptions preml um of One-half of one p2r. :L (112 of <br />1%) of the principal amount of each bond to be re6eeme_4 for each <br />calendar year or part thereof between the recer:ption cafe and the <br />maturity date of each bond to be redeemed, provided =C=I such <br />nrem:ium shall not exceed two percent (2%) of Such principal <br />amount. If less than all of the bonds of anv maturit%' are called <br />:or redemption, the bonds to be redeemed sna11 be seie~:tec by <br />lot. 1f less than all o_ the bonds of C1_fereat ffiaLUrl _ie8 are <br />called for redemption, the bonds to be redeemed shall be called <br />in the Inverse order of their -maturities. l';nenever Co'anty <br />snall elect tO redee-: bones, ce of such rece-,ption Of bcn.CS, <br />stating the red°_Tibtion Cate, rece----ion _ ice and identi-v'_.n.c <br />t`:e bonds to he redee-,.ea by reference to tnelr nambers and <br />further stating ~-at on such cede-;ption date there s.-)i -=ccTla <br />due and payable upon ea Ch bond so to be redeemed, t.a _---nr <br />t'iere G=, redemption _ _ =_.i U-. and -cSt aCC•_._'@d -,-o the O?": <br />date and that from a n C after sucP. Cate _..tere s- thereon s_':a11 <br />Cease to accrue, s:mall be Liven pl'cat'c- at least once <br />a -inanc'_al newspaper pULlis_hec - ~f:e City and State G= c.. or:; <br />