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.tee <br />~1oi 9 'ACC '74itiV <br />agencies and departments whose appropriations were not changed at the last meeting <br />be reduced by 2% at this time. There was no second to this motion and the Chair <br />ruled that the motion died for the lack of a second. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker <br />made the observation that if funds were restored to any agency, then it should come <br />from the County's working capital or unappropriated surplus. <br />Mr. Kenneth Brinson, Superintendent of the Lee County Schools, <br />was recognized and he spoke to the school's needs. During the deliverations, the <br />Chairman asked that he be allowed to interrupt consideration of the budget to recognize <br />Mr. Walter L. Scoggins, who was present at that time. Upon motion made, seconded <br />and unanimously adopted, it was RESOLVED as follows: <br />WHEREAS, MR. WALTER L. SCOGGINS was employed <br />as Lee County Building Inspector, on October 14, 1969; and <br />WHEREAS, MR. WALTER L. SCOGGINS has served <br />continuously in this capacity since his original employment; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, MR. WALTER L. SCOGGINS has performed <br />all of his assigned duties and responsibilities in an efficient and <br />outstanding manner; and <br />WHEREAS, MR. WALTER L. SCOGGINS has retired <br />from his position as Building Inspector of Lee County, <br />effective June 30, 1980; and <br />WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Commissioners <br />for Lee County, to express its grateful appreciation and thanks <br />for a job well done; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD <br />OF COMMISSIONERS FOR LEE COUNTY: <br />Section 1. The Board of Commissioners for <br />Lee County, does hereby express its profound appreciation <br />and commend MR. WALTER L. SCOGGINS for his years of <br />devoted and outstanding service to Lee County. <br />Section 2. This resolution shall become a <br />part of the public records of the July 7, 1980, meeting and <br />a copy shall be duly certified by the Clerk for presentation <br />to MR. WALTER L. SCOGGINS. <br />A certificate was presented to Mr. Scoggins by the Chairman. <br />Following the recognition of Mr. Scoggins, the Commission took a <br />short recess. Following the recess, the Board then again considered adoption of the <br />Budget Resolution. The Chairman had the Clerk read the Budget Resolution which had <br />been prepared in accordance with the Board's instructions and the Resolution was read <br />in its entirety. Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen moved that the Budget as read with the <br />exception that the Health Department appropriation be set at $155,440. 00, be adopted. <br />Commissioner Jack D. Funderburke seconded the motion. During the discussion of <br />the motion, Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker made a substitute motion that the Budget <br />Resolution as read and amended be amended further to reduce the tax rate by an <br />additional 2~ and to adjust the revenue by reducing the property tax revenue and <br />increasing the funds available from unappropriated surplus or fund balances. Comm- <br />issioner Clyde J. Rhyne seconded this motion and upon a roll call vote, it was adopted <br />upon a majority vote as follows: AYE: Funderburke, Rhyne and Wicker. NAY: Nielsen <br />and Harmon. The Chairman announced that the Budget Resolution - as it was before the <br />commission - was as amended by Commissioner Wicker's motion. Commissioner Gordon <br />A. Wicker moved the adoption of the following budget: <br />