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BOOK 9 PAGE 753 <br />the low bid of King Roofing and Manufacturing Corporation be accepted. Commissioner <br />Gordon A. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />The agreement between the Department of Human Resources and <br />Lee County, for juvenile detention services in a facility operated by the Department <br />in Raleigh, was brought up for consideration. Upon motion of Commissioner.Gordon <br />A. Wicker, seconded by Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne, which motion was unanimously <br />adopted upon a vote it was RESOLVED to authorize the Chairman to execute the <br />agreement for and on behalf of the County. <br />Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne said that he believed he had located a <br />purchaser who was interested in buying the lots owned by the County in Sunset Hills <br />and asked that a resolution be prepared authorizing the sale of these lots. <br />Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen reported that a new Director of <br />Social Services had been appointed and he would be assuming his office in September. <br />Commissioner Jack D. Funderburke moved that Commissioner Lila <br />P. Nielsen be appointed the voting delegate to the Convention of the North Carolina <br />Association of County Commissioners, Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne seconded the <br />motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker reported that the Parks & Recrea- <br />tion Commission were still searching for a Recreation Director but that he hoped he <br />would have something to report in a short time. <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker brought up for consideration <br />the fact that the Central Carolina Technical College was going to be offering a program <br />on CPR Training and that this appeared to duplicate programs being pizt.on by volun- <br />teers at the present time. The matter was discussed but no formal action was taken. <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker moved that the sum of $S, 000. 00 <br />be appropriated to the District Health Department budget. The matter was discussed <br />but no second was made and the Chair ruled that the motion died for lack of a second. <br />The Chairman asked that the Commissioners give him their recomm- <br />endations for appointee of a County Manager, after reviewing the file of applications. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne, seconded by Comm- <br />issioner Lila P. Nielsen, it was RESOLVED to go into Executive Session to discuss <br />matters concerning the County which were in litigation. Following the Executive <br />Session, Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen moved that the regular meeting be resumed. <br />Commissioner Jack D. Funderburke seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unani- <br />mously adopted and the public meeting resumed. <br />The Chairman reported to the Board that he was working with Mr. <br />Billy Ray Cameron, Director of Emergency Planning, about re-locating the County's <br />emergency hospital supplies at a new location since the tenant of the hospital site intend- <br />ed to use the former nursing home as office space. <br />There being no further business to coiye before the session, it was <br />adjourned. <br />CHAIRMAN <br />i; Cf-,:'•:Jii NA, LEE COUNTY <br />Prescrfed for registration on the.-- --dari <br />of ' .M~~/~99Q. at .~~..c~.~-.S..Q.M.. <br />recorded in Book <br />Pattie W. McGilvery, Register of Deeds <br />