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500K 9 PACE 156 <br />Commissioners Funderburke, Nielsen, Rhyne and Wicker voted for it and no one <br />voted against it. <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker moved that the sum of $828. 00 be <br />appropriated from the unappropriated surplus in the General Fund to Professional <br />Services in the Buildings & Grounds Fund, Line Item #10-500-04, for the purpose of <br />paying Mr. Derrell Mullins for services at the jail. Commissioner Jack D. Funder- <br />burke seconded the motion and upon a roll call vote, Commissioners Funderburke, <br />Nielsen, Rhyne and Wicker voted for it and no one voted against it. <br />Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen moved that the sum of $2, 500. 00 <br />be appropriated from the unappropriated surplus in the General Fund to Line Item <br />#10-490-33 in the Grants Administration Fund for'payment for preparation of 201 Study <br />application. Commissioner Jack D. Funderburke seconded the motion and upon a roll <br />call vote, Commissioners Funderburke, Nielsen, Rhyne and Wicker voted for it and no <br />one voted against it. <br />The Board next proceeded to open the proposals received from <br />Williams & Works, Allen & Rice, Inc. , and Bracken & Associates, P. A. , for road- <br />way engineering design in the Lee County Industrial Park. It was decided to take no <br />action upon these proposals at this meeting in order that the Grants Director could <br />ascertain what the Department of Transportation would do about constructing these <br />roads. <br />Mr. Elwin J. Buchanan, Grants Director, appeared before the <br />Board and explained that the County presently had a roadway easement to a lift station <br />through the area of the Industrial Park, which would not be needed if and when Rhyne <br />Drive in the Industrial Park is opened. The City of Sanford had indicated upon request <br />and assurance that access would be provided to the lift station they would be willing that <br />such easement be released. Upon motion of Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker, which <br />motion was duly seconded and upon a vote, unanimously adopted, it was RESOLVED to <br />make such request of theCity and to give the County's assurance that Rhyne Drive would <br />be constructed and to authorize the Chairman or Vice Chairman to execute a letter to <br />that effect to the City. <br />The County Attorney read to the Board a letter dated July 25, 1980, <br />directed to American Medical International and Amisub of North Carolina, Inc. , with <br />respect to the agreement dated as of May 8, 1979, a copy of which letter is attached <br />to these minutes and by this reference made a part hereof. The subject of the letter <br />pertained to the balance due by the County under the Hill-Burton Program, which funds <br />are to be paid by Amisub of North Carolina. The terms of the letter were ratified <br />and approved and the action of the Chairman in executing said letter on July 25, 1980, were <br />ratified and approved, upon motion of Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen, which motion was <br />seconded by Commissioner Jack D. Funderburke, and upon a vote unanimously adopted. <br />The Board next considered the request for the sale of various parcels <br />of land which the County owned in Sunset Hills Subdivision. After reviewing and dis- <br />cussing the parcels, Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen moved the adoption of the following: <br />RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE <br />OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY AT PUBLIC AUCTION <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County <br />of Lee, desires to dispose of certain surplus property of the <br />County of Led; <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD <br />OF COMMISSIONERS, THAT: <br />