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BOOK 9 PA6; 770 <br />3) It is economically feasible to provide <br />fire protection in the district without unreasonable or <br />burdensome annual tax levies; <br />4) There is a demonstrable demand for fire <br />protection by persons residing in the district; <br />5) That all statutory requirements for <br />establishment of a service district for fire protection in <br />the Carolina Trace area of the County have been complied <br />with and satisfied; NOW, THEREFORE, <br />BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF <br />COMMISSIONERS FOR LEE COUNTY, AS FOLLOWS: <br />1. That a service district for fire pro- <br />tection is hereby defined and established as described in <br />the attached Exhibit "A" and as shown on the attached <br />Exhibit "B" which are made a part hereof by this reference, <br />which district shall be known as the "CAROLINA TRACE <br />SERVICE DISTRICT FOR FIRE PROTECTION". <br />2. This resolution shall take effect on <br />July 1, 1981, the beginning of the fiscal year commencing <br />next after its passage. <br />3. Lee County shall provide, maintain or <br />let contracts for fire protection in the Carolina Trace service <br />district as defined herein within a reasonable time, not to ex- <br />ceed one year after July 1, 1981, the effective date of the <br />definition of the district. <br />4. Lee County shall levy property taxes, <br />within the rate limitations set by law, on the property <br />located within the Carolina Trace Service District in addit- <br />ion to those levied throughout the County, in order to finance, <br />provide, or maintain for said service district fire protection there- <br />in in addition to or to a greater extent than fire protection <br />service is financed, provided, or maintained for the entire <br />c ounty. <br />Commissioner Jack D. Funderburke seconded the motion and <br />upon a roll call vote, Commissioner Jack D. Funderburke, Lila P. Nielsen, Clyde <br />J. Rhyne, Gordon A. Wicker and K. S.' Harmon voted for it and no one voted against <br />it. <br />Mr. Elwin J. Buchanan appeared before the Board and reported that <br />HUD had offered a grant in the amount of $558, 000. 00 for the construction of improve- <br />ments in the San-Lee Heights Area. After discussion and review by the Board, <br />Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne moved the adoption of the following resolution: <br />RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />OF LEE COUNTY CONCERNING ACCEPTANCE OF <br />GRANT FOR LEE COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOP- <br />MENT, HUD PROJECT #B- 80-DN- 37- 0071 <br />WHEREAS, THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR LEE <br />COUNTY have determined it to be to the best interest of the <br />citizens of Lee County to make improvements in the San-Lee <br />Heights Area (Grapevineyard Community) by installing necessary <br />