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BOOK 9 PACE <br />WHEREAS, a substantial number of the property <br />owners and residents of the residential area known as <br />Carolina Trace petitioned this Board for establishment <br />of a service area for fire protection; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has caused <br />to be prepared a report containing (a) a map of the proposed <br />district, showing its proposed boundaries, (b) a statement <br />showing that the proposed district meets the standards set <br />out in the statutes for the establishment of a service district, <br />(c) a plan for providing fire protection to the district; and said <br />report has been available for public inspection in the office of <br />the Clerk to the Board for at least four weeks before September <br />15, 1980, the date of the public hearing on said matter; and <br />WHEREAS, due notice of the public hearing on said <br />matter was given in conformity with all statutory requirements <br />and the Lee County Tax Supervisor, the person designated by <br />the Board, has certified to the Board that all property owners <br />in the designated area as of the preceding January 1st, have <br />been notified in the manner prescribed by law; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners for Lee <br />County, held a public hearing at its regular meeting on <br />September 15, 1980, in conformity with the notice given <br />when and where all interested persons were given the <br />opportunity to express themselves on the establishment or <br />rejection of the proposed service district; and <br />WHEREAS, in determining whether to establish the <br />proposed service district for fire protection at Carolina <br />Trace, the Board of Commissioners have considered, <br />among other things, the following: <br />1) The resident population and popu- <br />lation density of the proposed district; <br />2) The appraised value of property <br />subject to taxation in the proposed district; <br />3) The present tax rate of the county <br />in which the proposed district is located; <br />4) The ability of the proposed district <br />to sustain the additional taxes necessary to provide fire <br />protection for the district; <br />5) Other matters that the Commissioners <br />believe to have a bearing on whether this district should be <br />established; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners, upon the <br />information and evidence received, finds that: <br />1) There is a demonstrable need for pro- <br />viding fire protection in the district; <br />2) It is impracticable to provide fire pro- <br />tection on a countywide basis at this time; <br />