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0 J:i~ i 9 Ym,iE 7 80 <br />Mrs. Dorothy McNeill, Co-ordinator of Transportation, appeared <br />before the Board and requested office space and start-up funds for the transportation <br />project. After discussion and review, by the Board, Commissioner Rhyne moved <br />that the County provide office space in the County Office Building as designated by <br />the Chairman for use by the Co-ordinator of Transportation but that consideration of <br />funds for said project be deferred at this time. Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen sec- <br />onded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />The Board proceeded to open the bids received for automobiles <br />and the bids were as follows: <br />Womble Chevrolet Company - 1980 Chevrolet Impala, 4-door for $7, 780. 00 <br />Womble Chevrolet Company - 1979 Chevrolet Impala, 4-door for $6,439. 57 <br />Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen moved that the Board accept the two <br />bids and authorize the purchase of these two vehicles from the funds in the Sheriff's <br />Department. Commissioner Jack D. Funderburke seconded the motion and upon a <br />vote it was unanimously adopted. The Clerk reported that the sale of surplus <br />automobiles directed by the resolution of August 18, 1980, was held after proper <br />advertisement on Friday, October 3, 1980, at twelve o'clock noon, at which time <br />the following results were obtained: <br />Vehicle <br />Purchaser <br />Amount <br />1975 Plymourth, 4-door <br />G. N. <br />Childress, Jr. <br />$ 255.00 <br />1977 Ford LTD II, 4-do6r <br />Steve <br />Thomas <br />100.00 <br />1964 Ford F-100 Truck <br />Steve <br />Thomas <br />80.00 <br />Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne moved that the high bids as <br />reported be accepted and the sales confirmed and that title to said vehicles be con- <br />veyed to the purchaser upon payment of the purchase price. Commissioner Lila <br />P. Nielsen seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />The Clerk reported that the sale of lots owned by the County in <br />Sunset Hills Subdivision, as authorized by the resolution adopted on August 18, 1980, <br />was held after proper advertisement at eleven o'clock a. m. , on October 3, 1980, <br />when and where William A. and Barbara B. Gordon became the high bidders for the <br />price of $3, 700. 00. One group of lots were sold for $2, 500. 00 and the other group <br />for $1, 200. 00. The Gordons were successful bidders for both groups and the total <br />price for both was $3, 700. 00. Commissioner Clyde J. Rhyne moved that the high <br />bid be accepted and that deed to the property be made to the purchasers upon payment <br />of the purchase price. Commissioner Jack D. Funderburke seconded the motion and <br />upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />The Board next considered the bids obtained by informal bidding <br />for work at the Senior Citizens facility and decided not to take action upon the tile <br />bids because of the variation in specifications and considered the bids for the electrical <br />work which were as follows: <br />McCracken Electrical Company $498.00 <br />Griffin Electrical Company $491.00 <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker moved that the electrical contract <br />be awarded to Griffin Electrical Company, the low bidder. Commissioner Clyde J. <br />Rhyne seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />The Board next considered the bids for repair to the driveway at the <br />Mental Health Clinic and found that the low bid was that of Lee Paving Company in the <br />amount of $1, 990. 00. This bid was accepted by motion made, duly seconded and <br />unanaimously adopted. <br />