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sooK ~ ~reE 81 <br />4. The Board of Anneals shall <br />appeals, give public notice <br />in interest, and decide the <br />Upon the hearing, any party <br />or by- attorney. <br />fix a reasonable time for hearing <br />and due notice to the parties <br />same within a reasonable time. <br />may appear in person or by agent <br />5, The Board of Appeals Pay, in conformity with the provision} <br />of this Ordinance, reverse, or affirm, in r;hole or in part, <br />or nodify the order, reouirement, decision, or determination <br />appealed from and may make such order, requirement, decision, <br />or determination, as may be appropriate under the circumstances. <br />SECTION XI: JUDICIAL REVIEW <br />Court as provided in Section 34 of Chapter 63 of the Public Laws <br />of North Carolina. <br />A_ny person ago ieved, or any taxpayer affected by any decision of <br />the Board of ADDeals, may appeal to the 11th District Superior <br />SECTION XiI: PF,°AITIES <br />Each violation of this Ordinance or of any regulation, order, or <br />ruling promulgated hereunder shall Constitute a misdemeanor and be <br />punishable by a fine of not more than fifty. dollars or i-riprisonment <br />for not more than 30 days or both, and each day a violation continues <br />to exist shall constitute a separate offense. <br />SECTION XIIi: C01' FLICTIIM =v WLA^1IONS <br />:,here there e)z_ists a conflict between any of the regulations or <br />limitations prescribed 1n this Ordinance and any other reg1112ti ones <br />aDUll Cable to the Sa7He area, `r.' 7etl?er the conflict be N•:ith respect <br />to the height of suructures or trees, the use of land, or any other <br />matter, tre more Stringent limitation or reduirement Shall govern <br />and Drevail. <br />SECTIOsd XIV: Srti11R, 1,31.LITY <br />If any of the provisions of this Ordi=gce or the aDDlication there- <br />of to any person or circu,=stances is held invalid, such invalidity <br />shall not affect other Drovisions or applications of the Ordinance <br />- ich can be given effect without the invalid provision or appli- <br />cation, and to phis end the -provisions of this Ordinance are declared <br />to be severable. <br />SECTION XV: EFFECTIVE DATE the jed_ate oDe_ation o t_ e provisions of tis Ordinance <br />is necessary for the preservation of the public health, public safety, <br />-10- <br />