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BQoK 9 uu ` <br />air navigation facilities and the safe, efficient use of <br />navigable airspace. Such variances shall be allowed where <br />it is duly found that a literal application or enforcement <br />of the regulations will result in unnecessary hardship and <br />relief granted, will not be contrary to the public interest, <br />will not create a hazard to air navigation, will do substantial <br />justice, and will be in accordance with the spirit of this <br />Ordinance. Aaditionaliy, no,application for variance to the <br />reouirements of this Ordinance may be considered by the Board <br />of ADDeals urless a copy of the application has been furnished <br />to the Sanford-Zee County Airport Co=ission for advice as to <br />the aeronautical effects of the variance. If the Sanfora-Lee <br />County Airport Co.-nnission does not respond to the application <br />witrin fifteen (15) days after receipt, the Board of Appeals <br />may act on its own to grant or deny said application. <br />s Obstruction "ar?:in~ and Li~ht;nz - Any permit or variance granted <br />may if such action is deemed advisable to effectuate the purpose <br />of this Ordinance and may be reasonable in the circumstances, <br />be so conditioned as to require the owner of the structure or <br />tree in ouestion to install, operate, and maintain, at the <br />owner's exDense, such mar'k:ings and lights as may be necessary. <br />If deemed proper by the Board of ADDeals, this condition may <br />be modified to require the owner to permit the Sanford-lee <br />County Airport Co Lmission at its own expense, to install, operate, <br />and Tiaintain the necessary oarkinos and lights. <br />SEC T IOP; VIII: K- -FOR0E'U T <br />It shall be the duty of the Lee County Building Inspector to ad- <br />minister and enforce the regulations Drescribed herein. Applications <br />fcr permits and variances shall be made to the Lee County Build;no <br />Inspector upon a form furnished by him. Applications required b,- <br />this Ordinance to be submitted to the Lee County Bi.ilding Inspector <br />shall be promptly considered and granted or denied by ADDIi- <br />cation for action by the Board of Appeals shall be forthwith trans- <br />mitted by the Lee County Building Inspector. <br />SECTION IX: BOATD On APPEALS <br />1. There is hereby created a Board of Appeals to have and exercise <br />the following powers: (1) to hear and decide appeals from any <br />order, reouirenent, decision, or dete?snination made by the Lee <br />County Building Inspector in the enforcement of this Ordinance; <br />(2) to hear and decide special exceptions to the terms of this <br />Ordinance upon which such Board of Appeals under such regulations <br />may be required to pass; and (3) to hear and decide specific <br />variances. <br />-8- <br />