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y,. <br />$ooK 5 Pnsl 811 <br />SECTION IV: AIRPORT ZO}_1E HEIGHT LIMITATIOl2S <br />Except as otherwise provided in this Ordinance, no structure or <br />tree shall be erected, altered, allowed to grow, or be maintained <br />in anv zone created by this Ordinance to a height in excess of the <br />applicable height limit herein established for such zone. Such <br />applicable height limitations are hereby established for each-of <br />the zones in question as follows: <br />1. Utilitv Runway Nonorecision Instrument Approach Zone - Slopes <br />upti•:ard twenty 20 feet horizontally for each foot vertically <br />beginning at the. end of and at the same elevation as the <br />primary surface and extending to a horizontal distance of 5,000 <br />feet along the extended runway centerline. <br />2. Transitional Zones - Slopes upward and outward seven (7) feet <br />horizontally for each foot vertically beginning at the sides <br />Cf and at the same elevation as the primary surface and the <br />approach zones, and extending to a height of 150 feet above <br />the airport elevation which is 430 feet above mean sea level. <br />In addition to the foregoing, there are established height <br />limits sloping upward and outward seven (7) feet horizontally <br />for each foot vertically beginning at the sides of and at the <br />same elevation as the approach zones, and extending to where <br />they intersect the conical surface. <br />3. F.•orizontal Zone - One hundred and fifty (150) feet above the <br />airport elevation or a height of 580 feet above mean sea level. <br />4. Conical Zone - Slopes up,,:ard.and outward twenty (20) feet <br />horizontally for each foot vertically beginning at the periphery <br />of the horizontal zone and at one hundred fifty (150) feet <br />above the airport elevation and extending to a height of 350 <br />feet above the airport elevation. <br />5. Excepted Height Limitations - Nothing in this Ordinance shall <br />be construed as prohibiting the growth, construction, or main- <br />tenance of any tree or structure to a height up to thirty five <br />(35) feet above the surface of the land, EXCEPT where an area <br />is covered by more than one (1) height limitation, the more <br />restrictive limitation shall prevail. <br />SECTION V: USE RESTRICTIONS <br />l;otwithstanding any other provisions of this Ordinance, no cause <br />may be made of land or water within any zone established by this <br />Ordinance in such a manner as to create electrical interference <br />with navigational signals or radio communication between the air- <br />port and aircraft, make it difficult for pilots to distinguish <br />-5- <br />t__, , <br />