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0 0 <br />boor; 8 3 9 <br />will include an inventory of the CRD's in use and which will include <br />a report on the condition of the CRD's based on an inspection of <br />each CRD, to frequently inspect the CRD's to insure that they are <br />kept in good and clean condition and to replace any parts in poor <br />condition, to notify GHSP in the event that any CRD in use is <br />involved in an accident so that it can be inspected and/or replaced <br />by GHSP, and <br />WHEREAS, the GHSP Wards of the State Transportation <br />Safety Program hereinabove described is considered most <br />necessary to the preservation of the safety and welfare of the <br />wards of the state entrusted to the care of the County. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE GHSP Wards <br />of the State Transportation Safety Program set out hereinabove be <br />and it is formally approved by the Commissioners of the County of <br />Lee and that the Manager of this County be and is hereby empowered <br />to sign and execute the required agreement between this County <br />and the GHSP to acquire the benefits of the Wards of the State <br />Transportation Safety Program hereinabove set out for the County. <br />The Board next proceeded to consider the bids received for the <br />purchase of a van type vehicle for use by the Sheriff's Department. A bid was received <br />from Womble Chevrolet Company in the amount of $8, 671. 00 which included $121. 00 in <br />sales tax. The only other bid received was accompanied by a firm check which was not <br />certified and therefore the bid was not considered. The Board concluded there was <br />greater risk of an increase in price in re-advertising and elected to accept the low bid <br />received. Commissioner Jack D. Funderburke moved that the low bid of Womble <br />Chevrolet Company be accepted. Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen seconded the motion <br />and upon a vote was unanimously adopted. <br />The Clerk reminded the Board that Mrs. Beatrice Fields, as County <br />Finance Officer, Mr. Nathan Crissman, as Tax Collector, and Mr. K. R. Hoyle, as <br />County Attorney and Clerk to the Board, held those positions at the pleasure of the <br />Board. Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen moved that all of such persons be continued <br />in their present positions to continue serving at the pleasure of the Board. Comm- <br />issioner Jack D. Funderburke seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously <br />adopted. <br />County Manager, Hartman, submitted a list of clerical errors <br />detected by the Tax Supervisor in his records. The Board requested that copies <br />be made and furnished to the Board for their consideration at a subsequent meeting. <br />The question of the furniture in the Emergency Management office <br />came up and the County Manager requested that no action be taken at this meeting <br />until he could confer with Mr. O. B. Stokes, City Manager of the City of Sanford. <br />The County Manager stated his willingness to work not only for <br />the Board as a corporate entity but provide such private research and advice that he <br />could to the individual members of the Ooard. The Chairman welcomed Mr. Hartman <br />in his new position and expressed appreciation of the Board for his willingness to assist <br />them. <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker requested that the Commissioners <br />be advised of the disbursements made by the County noting that the former reports <br />had been discontinued. County Manager, Hartman, was to look into the matter and <br />to determine what type of report could be made available using the check register. <br />