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1980 - 12-04-80 Special Meeting
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1980 - 12-04-80 Special Meeting
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Last modified
7/2/2009 11:39:52 AM
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7/2/2009 11:39:19 AM
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Board of Commissioners
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ltio~;> 5 ~~,;r £3d <br />MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR LEE COUNTY, <br />NORTH CAROLINA <br />Thursday, December 4, 1980 <br />A special meeting of the Board of Commissioners for the County of <br />Lee, State of North Carolina, was held in the Commissioners Room on the second <br />floor of the County Office Building, 200 Wicker Street, Sanford, North Carolina, on <br />December 4, 1980, at twelve o'clock noon. Those present were Commissioners <br />Jack D. Funderburke, K, S. Harmon, Lila P. Nielsen and Gordon A. Wicker. <br />Commissioner John E. Dotterer was absent due to illness. The Chairman declared <br />a quorum present and the meeting open for the transaction of business. <br />Chairman Harmon brought to the attention of the Board the materials <br />pertaining to the Water Well regulation and County Manager, Hartman, suggested that <br />the materials be submitted to the County Planning Board for their recommendation also. <br />Mr. Don Gunderson, Director of Department of Social Services, <br />appeared before the Hoard, and discussed the available funds under the Federal <br />Energy Program and the need for an Eligibility Specialist for a period of two months. <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker stated that the Board did not desire to make a <br />permanent addition to the staff and after assurance that this was not a permanent <br />addition but only a temporary measure, Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen moved that <br />the Department of Social Services be authorized to hire an Eligibility Specialist for <br />a period of two months. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded the motion and <br />upon a. vote it was unanimously adopted. Mr. Gunderson also requested authority to <br />hire a Clerk Typist to fill a temporary vacancy created because one of their receptionist's <br />was going to have to be hospitalized for surgery. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker <br />moved that the Department of Social Services be authorized to hire a Clerk Typist for a <br />one month period. Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen seconded the motion and upon a vote it <br />was unanimously adopted. <br />Mr. Derrell Mullins, Architect, appeared before the Board and pre- <br />sented plans for storage building to be constructed near the jail for use by the Sheriff <br />for the storage of evidence. After reviewing the plans, Commissioner Jack D. Funder- <br />burke moved that the plans be approved and that construction in conformity with the <br />plans be authorized. Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen seconded the motion and upon a <br />vote it was unanimously adopted. While Mr. Mullins was at the meeting, he also reported <br />on other plans for improvement at the jail. <br />Mr. Elwin J. Buchana, Grants Director, presented a resolution <br />accepting a grant for construction of the Deep River School water line. After discussion, <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker moved the adoption of the following resolution: <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners for Lee County <br />have determined it to be in the best interest of the citizens of <br />Lee County to construct 11, 400 feet of 12-inch waterline to <br />Deep River School and 644 feet of 12-inch waterline on Cox- <br />Maddox Road: and <br />
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