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B00!( 9 r'"IY ~$Q <br />• RESOLUTION OF THE LEE COUNTY BOARD OF COM1,1ISSIONERS <br />CONCERNING ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT FOR <br />THE LEE COUNTY INDUSTRIAL PARK SEWER IIMPROVE?BENTS <br />WHEREAS, the BOARD OF C01dD11SSIONERS FOR LEE COUNTY have <br />determined it to be to the best interest: of the citizens of <br />Lee County to construct approximately 4,200 l.f. of 12-inch <br />Ncaterli-ne with necessary appurtenances, with fire hydrants, and <br />street improvements; along with 2,200 l.f. of 8-inch and 2,000 l.f. <br />of 10-inch sanitary sewer line including services to each <br />industrial. lot for both water and sewer to serve both the Lee County <br />Industrial Park and the 1'rill.iam H. Rorer industrial- site; and <br />wREREAS, Lee County has applied for a grant from the <br />North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Commmunity <br />Development under Project -81-10 in the amount of $60,000 to assist <br />in the construction of the water and sewer lines and necessary <br />street improvements; and <br />WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Natural Resources <br />and Community Development has offered a grant in the wnount of <br />530.000 for Lee County's acceptance: <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the BOARD OF COkIMISS1ONERS <br />l• FOR LEE COUNTY to accept the grant offer of 530,000 and arrange <br />for the required matching funds to complete the project and <br />authorize the Chairman, K.S. Harmon, to sign the acceptance of <br />this grant. <br />ADOPTED this the day of <br />1981. <br />R.S. ,armor, Chairman <br />Eoarc .Commissioners <br />Lee County, North Carolina <br />ATTEST: <br />1. <br />I. R.R. Hoyle, Clerk to the Lee County Board of Commissioners, <br />do certify that the above is a true and nccurate copy of a Resolution <br />adopted by the Lee Count}= Board of Commissioners on <br />1981, and recorded in the minutes of said meeting. <br />This the day of _ , 1981. <br />• K.R. I30yl.e, Clerk <br />