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The 3oard of Appeals shall consist of five (5) meobers <br />-nvointed by the Lee Cosnty Board of Cosissioners and each <br />ill .erie for a tern of three (3) years and until his <br />successor is oily appointed and qualified. re-bers shall <br />be -'ovaole by the appointing authority for cause, -upon <br />ritten charges, after a public hearing <br />The Wa=d of Alzea's shall adopt rules for its governance and <br />- h2rQ0ny with the __rovisiens of this Wainance, Meetings of <br />tie ward of Appeals shall held at the call of the Chai'- <br />-an and at such other times as the Were o ,e is -.ay <br />jeter-ine. The C air__n, or in his absence the actin Chair- <br />2,,, way c___in_st.._ oats.., and convel the :tto dace of <br />witnesses. ~1=1 hear ~ and of "_TDeals sha=d be <br />public, -he Board of Appeals shall keen minutes of its <br />Jceecings showing the vote of each sebbe_ upon each cUes?io_. <br />or abse--c. or _ailing to Tote,incica i-_ such Tact, and <br />shall seen recores of its ezavinat.ic-,s and other official <br />actions, all of which shall _-_°eia_tel'y' be filed in the office <br />of the Lee Cou-ity Building -__sector and on cue cause shown. <br />~he of - -als shall =al~e - ten findings of facts and <br />canal. _io,~s o.'- law giving she =acts upon which ii, acted and <br />its legal conclusions from :c._ facts in _ g, affirDing, <br />d -_.c ai CIl <br />or modifying order, redu"'o nt, decision or <br />of she lee Cot`s- Enticing _ _ter or to decice - "oor of <br />he applicant on any matter upon hic'_•'u it is _ecoir=c to -"_._o <br />.See :cis Cro_.a,ce, Tor to effect _ variation in this Drnin;m,ce. <br />SECTION L. E i,S <br />Any son aggrieved, or n _ - i __ce e by any eec icc <br />of the lee Gurnty Bull ding - _ to made in Lis &-inisiration <br />of this C-Mcance, _ appeal to the va-c of <br />_`21 au&Eals hereunder nest be ..c-___ within _ __a_ncn r.-._e as <br />"ro_-ided by the rules of the _a-rc~c -a , by filing i i r.-. <br />County the lee ldin actor not _ cE TO Ejecify <br /> <br />.2e g-ouqds t-ereof. -The lee f .-iC Olvector s- pi 7... <br />forthwith oit to the Ward of = l 1Ile : =_o can- <br />soituting the record upon uhich the A-'_o-` -o_ was <br />taken. <br />anneal shall stay _ I.. <br />e "ro _ the _ Wanly -Vinins A; ce es <br />to - _oa o _ w s, after -C _ceC _ .:1 as w <br />__1_d with it, that by reason of the facts stales in the cc_ii_ <br />-ca se stay would, his o- _lon, cause anwn±nt peril to <br />fife or -ope ty. in such case, _nceea-=r- -Tall not be . <br />_cept by o_ .e_ of the -wa-d o on notice to the Lee <br />County Building -n5vecto and on due cause shown. <br />- <br />