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500K 10 i.'. f. 32 <br />SECTION II: DEFINITIONS <br />An used in this ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires <br />1. AIRPORT - Sanford Lee County Airport. <br />2. AlR20RT ELEVATION - The highest point of an airport's usable <br />lancing area measured in feet from sea level. <br />3. AppROcCE SURFACE - h surface lonEituninally centered on the <br />entenced rian,:ay centerline, extending outwani and um;ard from <br />the end of the primary surface and at the same slope as the ap- <br />uroach zone height limitation slope set forth in Section IT <br />of this Ordinance. In plan the perimeter of the approach <br />surface coincides with the perimeter of the approach zone. <br />4 LPPROACF T ARSITIOMAI" i0 IZONTtL, aiD COYTCA± ZO'NES - These <br />zones are set forth in Section 111 of his Orl__.ance. <br />CARD 0_ APPEALS - c ;care consisting of fire (5) =embers <br />anaointed by theLee County Ward of Cc-issioners provided <br />in-General Statutes 63-33(c). <br />6 CO'.:SC_0 SU"2bCE - suuface extending outward and upward from <br />the neriphery of horizontal surface at a slope of 20to 1 <br />for a horizontal diEtance of 4:,000 feet. <br />7. AZ`RD TO AIR .'fIGATIOs - An obstruction mete-fined to have <br />substantial adverse effect on the sa=e and efficient utilization <br />of the navigable airspace. <br />8. TEIGTT - For he purpose of determining the height limits in <br />all zones set forth an t.his Oreina_;ce and ._ho~:n on the zoning <br />map, the datum shall mean sea 1E elelevation unless other- <br />wise specified. <br />ET IpO,^ SL=. r, - Tic area c the iminary surface <br />coincides it e and shape with the designated t _-eof.. and <br />landing area of a heliport. surface is - horizontal <br />plane at the elevation of the established helicoxt elevation. <br />10. FORIZ0NTsy SURFACE - 5 horizontal plane 150 feet above the <br />established airport ele-:ation, the asrinever of -hick in plan <br />coinc_ es :he of the __-__:al tune. <br />11. LARGER THIN UT=LIT= ?.uWS' - A .a5 ti - constructed for <br />and intended to used by -rc:-e?ler driven __,c-at of greater <br />than 12,500 pounds maximum gross weight and jet Dowered 2ir- <br />c_r2_ t. <br />12, FONCOAFORSING USE - Any existing stlvcture, object of <br />natural growth, or use of land which is inconsistent with the <br />provisions of this Ordinance or an a_cencnent thereto. <br />-2- <br />