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30 0.( 1(1 P/q J~ <br />air navigation facilities and the safe, efficient use of <br />navigable airspace. Such variances shad be allowed where <br />it is cal} found that a literal application or en'oree-.enc <br />of The regulations will result in innecessazy hareship and <br />. <br />relief =ranted, will not be contrary to the public _interest, <br />will not create a v_rd to air navigation, will do saoscznt ai <br />and will be in accordance with the spirit. of his <br />Grajustice, _ciczce., no appl_ica,.ion far 7arla':ce to n _ -°d <br />ouire_ents of this Woin:-ice be considered by the <br />of ~_vneals unless a copy of t.healmlicat.ion has been fu-nislec <br />to the Sanford-lee County f-ruort Co-mission for advice vs to <br />aeronautical effects of the variance. if the Sa-f..= _ <br />r,ci t Commission does not respond to the " rl - f.-io~' <br />_it- r <br />- <br />nithin fifteen (15) c -:s after _receipt, na,& o o" - s <br />nay act on its ovn to grant or deny said -_r+li-n-t----. <br />ChOructio, 7a-vin, and WEIntin_ - Any DFIVit or T.=ialce g,X-:.ed <br />ucn ac don as r e.uu a -__able to effec..crt the - <br />nay o - Noi,ance and -y be reasonable _n the c_r_ = ces, <br />be conei:.ioned as to require he o--^_er of the structure or <br />O,e in eresmon to install, operate, and _a plain at the <br />F =rSe SUM gS and lights is as may be VeCESSaVy. <br />_ _ r "roper oy = Word o - pgals, ti-is ccnn cn-ay <br />nc d to of -e o to , the <br />I-je Co.; y Airport Cosmcsion at its G"n e, <br />7a- oin he rece - - y - g and l - hts. <br />_hell be the duty or t wee County 3016ing inspector to =d- <br />pi i and enforce he gull atin 5 re c ,d . jvul,cxi <br />r and varionces wall be ce to the __e pun _ld <br />niched n <br />a r'NAl _.-ce to as sub- ,;?d to the Tae C' .tj 1::i - 1-spec 1 - <br />9 AM g,anted a ,or o by yio. JDl'_- <br />cation for action by . board of _ials -;all 14 _ : -tn . e7s- <br />`ail (1) to r _ ,e <br />d <br />qzy A) 2.D _ n Win _:a cv e <br />C-iin nce :pro 03ch c =,_-D of als - - <br />,Y W -"c to _ (3) to _ C _ ,-c <br />-8- <br />