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1981 - 03-02-81 Regular Meeting
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1981 - 03-02-81 Regular Meeting
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7/1/2009 3:45:37 PM
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7/1/2009 3:41:51 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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eiav 10 'nc 1 <br />22. UTILITY RUNWAY - A runway that is constructed for and intended <br />to be use8 by propeller d-riven aircraft of 12,500 pounds <br />=_i,,,» gross weight and less. <br />25. -PISUth RIIip7AY - A runway intended solely for the operation <br />of ai T_'craft lasing visual approach procedures. <br />Sr ,T_110h III: ASR_v073T LOBES <br />order to carry out the Provisions of this Rrdi:nwnce, the- ase <br />_reby created and established certain zones which include a?l of <br />the land lying within the approach zones, .ransit:iorK ;ones, <br />horizontal zones, and conical zones as they apply to a particular <br />airport, Such Zones are shown on the Sarfo-d-Lee Cointy d= ,ort - Ord tap consisting of 1 sheet, prepared by di lli a_ s & , hs <br />and dated February 2, 1977, which is attached to this Grc n-nce <br />and fade z part hereof. An area located in no-e than one (l-) <br />of the following zones is considered is be only in" he zone with <br />the more restrictive height limitation. The -c,ious sones are <br />hereby established and defined as follows: <br />1, T?Alit- Tvinvav 7;onurecision Tnst.r--sent- onzozcn Zone - The inner <br />,-h ps <br />o -.=r,;s *_Iroa n one corncices e_1 ih _cCl -~e ----r <br />s,-face and is five hundred (500) feet aide. The _ p_ c. hso ,e <br />er-rands outward uni=o-lly-to a width of 2, r00 feet at a nori- <br />=.nrtal distance 5,000 feet from the primary _ snr-ace, its <br />__r-te-l ne being the continuation o the centerline of .-he- <br />w2y . <br />-an _or+a1 Tones - -se cows are -coy .abli-.ed as re <br />} L-Th i ciona_l surfaces. C S extend <br />area o .ea Lh <br />outward and l.rn and - 90 deer e -SIcs to the i ".;c] _.eTI <br />Cent,erli;e extendedat a slope of 7=;en (7) e- <br />and the r -`:::may ! --b <br />horizontally for each foot v_call} f,,a !he ..tars o ine <br />Primary and aa: J oaco vuzfaces to .ee e they . _ s c t !be <br />ho'izonlal and conical sw_face_. T l ._,.rs 'or i, se <br />portions of precision Duroach zones which project :roug"I <br />and be - -d the l -ts of the conical swzface, e d c. ce <br />of 5,000 feet C c C so ally o Of 00 pooch <br />ones .c at 90 rr - - e angles o the c _-.c c. r . _ r - l <br />- _ <br />Horizontal Zone - The nor :C l= l _one is he cr b' . ed by <br />,oi..ig _I - cs. or ,000 the r OF Ep't cad <br />of the I nr} -I dace of each cy, --'d C-Ko~ 0A - conical nEs - The cent-,'ore is he-eby ;201 p %.s he <br />afea I [J: r- s at tho _ :er] of the <br />and extends out -.a _d t r, om a hors Mt2l _pc 4 ,000 <br />feet. The conics! .fora does not incl-ude l.'e _n ra- <br />cent appzcpch zones and the transitional cones. <br />
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