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10 10 <br />'W1LLLAMS C~WORKS <br />S:i. Vc YOBS I ?IAf1W _P.s I C-0; 0:91ST S"A= CH;_7 CTS <br /><E _._D Cyr _ D~ , ON FO ~D, SAN-ORE, NonTr, C330Uth. []330 <br />TraCZ i <br />~egi.n,ning at a coint in a '_;ce, rcmnon ccrner or the Sanford - <br />Le„ County Airport and Joe D. Godfrey properties, said point 5eing located <br />s 17-35-18 E 55.74', S 32-04:-53 W 855.01', from the Southeastern corner <br />of the Parkwood Subdivision, -and rcnning thence as the fence and the Sanford- <br />Lee County Airport and Joe D. Godfrey property line S 32-25-28 k' 920.14', <br />- 9 <br />th_nce S 39-10-33 'n' 9'~-0°' thence s a new 1 !ne N 52-03-50 1, S.05' , thence <br />N 37-55-10 E 85.29', thence 32-2D`28 _ ;514.71 , thence S 57-5`44' E 100.00' <br />to the point of beg inn ing and containing 2.31 acres and .eing c portion of to <br />Joe D. Godfrey property as recorded in weed look 75, ,age 34, Lee County <br />_gistry. 'rOperty consists of all of IracL -18 25 S OiJn On c 7,D oy 'niiliams & works, Inc., er.ti~led ''Survey for Sanford - Lee Cc-unfy sport, <br />and dated April 20, 19701. <br />E x-1"IB IT A ; <br />1 C r l <br />