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bou 21 ME 957 <br />EXHIBIT C <br />LOW INCOME RESIDENT AND BUSINESS PLAN <br />The Wooten Company agrees to implement the following specific steps directed at increasing <br />the utilization of lower income residents and businesses within the project area. The boundaries <br />of the Section 3 covered project area in implementing this plan shall be the boundaries of the <br />County of Lee, North Carolina. <br />The Wooten Company shall: <br />1. Attempt to recruit, from within the project area, lower income residents through: Local <br />advertising media, signs and public or private institutions operating within or serving <br />the project area such as Service Employment and Redevelopment (SER), <br />Opportunities Industrialization Center (OIC), Urban League, Concentrated <br />Employment Program, HomeCity Plan, or the U.S. Employment Service. <br />2. List lower income area residents who have applied either on their own or on referral <br />from any source, and to employ such persons, it otherwise eligible and if a vacancy <br />exists. <br />3. Insert Section 3 Plan information in all bid documents, where applicable, and to <br />require all bidders on subcontracts to submit a Section 3 Plan. <br />4. Insure that subcontracts which are typically let on a negotiated rather than a bid <br />basis in areas other than Section 3 covered project areas, are also let on a <br />negotiated basis, whenever feasible, when let in a Section 3 covered project area. <br />5. Contact unions, subcontractors and trade associations to secure their cooperation for <br />this program. <br />6. Insure that all appropriate project area business concerns are notified of pending <br />contractual opportunities. <br />7. Select contractors using their proposed participation in Section 3 objectives as part <br />of the selection consideration. <br />8. Maintain records, including copies of correspondence, memoranda, etc., which <br />document that all of the above affirmative steps have been taken. <br />The Director of Planning shall serve as Equal Opportunity Officer to coordinate the <br />implementation of this Section 3 Plan. <br />Lee Counry 23 <br />Agreement for Profes.siunrtl Serivi re, - S, ,w... M Sfte /lousing Project l Y 05 <br />