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BOOK 1 KiE 941 <br />EE 0UNTY <br />r" ,I y - <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING <br />OF THE <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />FOR THE <br />COUNTY OF LEE, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />JANUARY 7. 2008 <br />The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners for the County of Lee, State of North <br />Carolina, convened at 9:00 a.m. in the Commissioners' Room, Lee County Government Center, <br />106 Hillcrest Drive, Sanford, North Carolina, on said date. Commissioners present were Robert <br />H. Brown, James C. Kelly, Jerry M. Lemmond, Nathan E. Paschal, Robert T. Reives, and Linda A. <br />Shook. <br />Chairman Brown presided and called the meeting to order. The following business was <br />transacted: <br />Commissioner Paschal delivered the invocation. <br />The pledge of allegiance was recited. <br />Mr. Joe Cherry from the Employee Selection Committee introduced Ms. Kristin Sasser, <br />Park Naturalist with San-Lee Park, Lee County Parks and Recreation as the January 2008 <br />Employee of the Month. Chairman Brown presented Ms. Sasser with her awards which include a <br />day off with pay, a Star Award, a framed certificate, a pizza (compliments of Papa John's Pizza), <br />Coca Cola products from Sanford Coca Cola Bottling Company, and a movie rental from the <br />Movie Gallery. <br />The Board considered additions/changes to the agenda. County Manager John Crumpton <br />asked the Board to consider an Agreement for Professional Services with L. E. Wooten & <br />Company for the CDBG Project. Commissioner Lemmond moved to approve the above addition <br />to the agenda. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Brown, Kelly, Lemmond, Paschal, Reives, and Shook <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Commissioner Lemmond moved to approve the amended agenda as presented. Upon a <br />vote. the results were as follows: <br />