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BOOK 22 NNE 312 <br />LEE (."','OUNTY <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />LEE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />RESOLUTION <br />HONORING MRS. MARGARET MURCHISON <br />ON THIRTY YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE PEOPLE <br />IN THE LEE COUNTY AREA <br />WHEREAS, Mrs. Margaret Murchison graduated from W. B. Wicker High School in 1966 and <br />found employment with a local industry but continued her education by attending Central Carolina <br />Community College and Sandhills Community College. She graduated from Sandhills Community <br />College in 1969 and went to work as a Library Assistant at Lee County High School and this <br />employment continued until 1978 when she accepted employment at Radio Station WWGP and <br />WFJA as their news and Public Affairs Director; and <br />WHEREAS, in that capacity she has performed with distinction and has attracted a large group of <br />listeners, a host of friends, and recognition by her peers by her election as President of the North <br />Carolina Associated Press Broadcaster's Association for a term; and <br />WHEREAS, Mrs. Murchison has been a role model citizen by her participation in local <br />government by serving on the Lee County Board of Education, the Board of Trustees of the <br />Central Carolina Community College, the Lee County Centennial Committee and numerous other <br />City of Sanford and Lee County boards and committees; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Lee County, North <br />Carolina. as follows: <br />1. That it congratulates her for thirty years of service in her chosen field and wishes <br />for her continued success. <br />2. That it applauds her willingness to participate in local government and encourages <br />her fellow citizens to follow her example. <br />Adopted this 18'n <br />T. Reives, Sponsor 'Robert H. Brown, Chairman <br />