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1981 - 05-04-81 Regular Meeting
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1981 - 05-04-81 Regular Meeting
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Last modified
6/24/2009 2:49:15 PM
Creation date
6/24/2009 2:48:02 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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500K fo P", r°_ 96 <br />Discussion was held regarding the two engineering presentations <br />previously made. Commissioner Funderburke made a motion to award the <br />contract to the low proposal, that being, Law Engineering Inc., of <br />Raleigh. Commissioner Wicker seconded the motion and it was carried <br />by unanimous vote. <br />Discussion was held regarding the revision to the county's Trans- <br />portation Development Plan. After much discussion, it was decided to <br />award the contract to Robinson Sanderlin and Associates of Raleigh on <br />motion of Commissioner Lila Nielsen, seconded by Commissioner Funderburke <br />and carried unanimously. A copy of the agreement is attached and <br />incorporated into these minutes by reference. <br />Dr. Dotterer moved to proclaim May 19, 1981 as "Teacher Appreciation <br />Day". Mr. Wicker seconded the motion and it was unanimously adopted. <br />Commissioner Jack Funderburke made a motion to adopt a resolution <br />proclaiming the month of May 1981 as "Older American Month" in Lee County. <br />Commissioner Lila Nielsen seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Hartman advised the board of various transfers he had authorized <br />under his authority as Budget Officer. A copy of such transfers are <br />attached and made a part of these minutes by reference. (Budget Amendment <br />#810402) <br />Mr. Hartman then introduced Budget Amendment #810403 <br />a copy of which is attached and incorporated by reference to these minutes. <br />After some discussion Commissioner Funderburke made a motion to approve <br />the amendment as presented. His motion was seconded by Lila Nielsen <br />and unanimously adopted. <br />Mr. Taylor_Uzzell and Mr. Ron Ferris of the Recreation Department <br />presented a plan to the Board to utilize the Reeves Property as a "Pars <br />Cours". Plans are to fence off a part of the property for continued use <br />as pasture land and to eventually include picnic areas and a playground <br />area. Cost of the project is estimated to be $2,800 during the current <br />fiscal year and approximately $10,800 during next fiscal year. Because of <br />the need for a committment of funds during next budget year, it was decided <br />by the Board to defer action on this proposal until later in this year's <br />budget cycle. <br />Mr. Hartman introduced an engineering change order (copy attached) <br />which reduces the contract with Wham & Hunt Construction Company by <br />$3,484.44. Lila Nielsen made a motion to approve the change order, <br />seconded by Dr. Dotterer and it carried unanimously. <br />The agreement with Lutheran Family Homes for the operation of the <br />Youth Shelter during the next fiscal year was discussed. Dr. Dotterer <br />made a motion to enter into the agreement, seconded by Lila Nielsen and <br />the motion carried unanimously. <br />
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