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~A <br />ago 1® 11 <br />The request of the Central Carolina Technical College that it be allowed <br />to transfer $11, 300. 00 to Plant Operations from General Administration ($1, 715. 00) <br />Plant Maintenance E$4, 000. 00) and General Institution ($5, 585. 00), in order to complete <br />the fiscal affairs of the 1980-1981 school year. Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen moved <br />that such budget transfer be approved. Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded the <br />motion and upon a vote, Commissioners Dotterer, Funderburke, Nielsen, Wicker and <br />Harmonvoted for it and no one voted against it. <br />The request of Carolina Ham House for a refund of $34. 00, due to <br />a mistake in the values of inventory used because the firm was on a fiscal year basis <br />rather than a calendar year basis, was presented to the Board. Upon motion made and <br />duly seconded, the Tax Collector was authorized to make the refund of $34. 00. Comm- <br />issioners Dotterer, Nielsen and Harmon voted for the motion and Commissioners <br />Funderburke and Wicker voted against the motion. <br />The request of Mr. Bobby Johnson, Landfill Supervisor, for authority <br />to rent a scraper at the rate of $3, 000. 00 per month, was authorized. <br />Mr. Boyd Childress appeared before the Board and left for their <br />consideration, a Statement of Values to be used in connection with the County's <br />insurance program, on its property. <br />Mr. Walter B. Hartman, Jr. , County Manager, presented for the <br />Board's consideration, the proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1981 <br />and ending June 30, 1982, together with his budget message. Following statement <br />by the Chairman, the Board took action upon motion of Commissioner John E. Dotterer <br />seconded by Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen to hold a public hearing at its meeting on <br />June 15, 1981, at 8 o'clock p. m. , on the budget. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen, duly seconded by <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker, the Board went into Executive Session to discuss <br />matters pertaining to litigation. <br />After the close of the Executive Session the/Ineeting was adjourned. <br />CHAIRMAN <br />