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1981 - 06-24-81 Adj. Regular Meeting
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1981 - 06-24-81 Adj. Regular Meeting
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Last modified
6/24/2009 2:23:40 PM
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6/24/2009 2:22:55 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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bun 14 r?:e 147 0 <br />The Board next considered appointments to various County depart- <br />ments and agencies. It appearing to the Board that Mr. William Cotten and Mrs, <br />Mary Post have completed their terms of appointment as members of the Lee County <br />Parks and Recreation Commission, and it further appearing that Mr. Henry Stewart <br />has resigned his position and it further appearing that Mr. Cotten and Mrs. Post have <br />indicated that they do not desire re-appointment. The Chairman declared that the <br />floor was open for nominations for three vacancies on the Parks and Recreation Comm- <br />ission. Commissioner John E. Dotterer moved that Mrs. Marsha Penny and Mr. Phil <br />Allen be appointed to said Commission for regular three year terms or until their <br />successors are appointed and qualify and that Mr. Steve Alford be appointed to serve <br />the remainder of the term created by the resignation of Mr. Henry Stewart (which is <br />a two year period). Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen seconded the motion and upon a <br />vote it was unanimously adopted. It appearing to the Board that Mr. Wayne Staten, <br />Mr. W. Edward Keller and Mrs. Max Matthews, had completed their terms as members <br />of the Lee County Planning Board and that Mr. Staten had indicated he did not desire <br />re-appointment and that Mrs. Matthews and Mr. Keller had indicated that they would <br />accept re-appointment. The Chair opened the floor for nominations for three positions <br />on the County Planning Board. Commissioner John E. Dotterer moved that Mrs. Max <br />Matthews, Mr. W. Edward Keller and Mr. B. E. Kelly be appointed to the County Plan- <br />ning Board for regular terms and until their successors are appointed and qualify. <br />Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimous- <br />ly adopted. The County Manager reported that all of the present appointees named by <br />this Board to the Planning Board of the City of Sanford had indicated a willingness to <br />serve an additional term, The Chair announced there were three vacancies and called <br />for nominations. Commissioner John E. Dotterer moved that Messrs. Fred Wicker, <br />Carroll Yarborough and Vesper Cox, be re-appointed to terms on the Sanford Planning <br />Board. The County Manager reported that the four members of the District Health Board <br />from Lee County had indicated a willingness to accept re-appointment. The Chair opened <br />the floor for nominations and Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen moved that Commissioner <br />Gordon A. Wicker, Mr. John McPhaul, Mrs, Sandra Wilson and Dr. J. S. Simmons, be <br />re-appointed to the District Health Board, for regular terms and until their successors <br />were approved and qualified. Commissioner John E. Dotterer seconded the motion and <br />upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. Commissioner John E. Dotterer moved that <br />Mr. Frank Pruette, Mr. O, T. Foushee, and Mr. Glenn Wheless, be re-appointed to <br />the Board of Directors of the Lee County Industrial Corporation, for a regular term in <br />accordance with the corporation's by-laws, Commissioner Gordon A. Wicker seconded <br />the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />The County Manager presented and reviewed with the Board, Approp- <br />riation Adjustment No, 810698, a copy of which is attached to these minutes and by this <br />reference made a part hereof. After discussion and review of the Budget Amendment, <br />which pertains to the jail renovation project, Commissioner Jack D. Funderburke <br />moved the adoption of the following resolution: <br />
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