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WK 10 P~a i7o <br />WHEREAS, the General Assembly of North Carolina <br />in order to assure that opportunities for a higher standard of <br />living are available all across the State, declares that it shall <br />be the policy of the State to bring (more and better jobs to <br />where people live; to encourage the development of adequate <br />public services on an equitable basis for all of the State's <br />people at an efficient cost; and to maintain the State's natural <br />environmental heritage while accommodating urban and agri- <br />cultural growth; and <br />WHEREAS, it shall be the policy of the State of North <br />Carolina to support the expansion of the State and to designate <br />growth areas or centers with the potential, capacity and desire <br />for growth; and <br />WHEREAS, the Governor, with the advice of county and <br />municipal government officials and citizens, is charged with <br />designating growth areas of centers, which shall include at least <br />one center in each North Carolina County; and <br />WHEREAS, the County of Lee agrees with the concept of <br />balanced growth and seeks to be designated a growth center; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lee <br />County Board of Commissioners: <br />1. That Lee County, in cooperation with the Sanford <br />Department of Planning and Community Development, prepare <br />a map showing the requested growth area. <br />2. That Lee County and the City of Sanford request <br />Regional Growth Status. <br />3. That K. S. Harmon, Chairman of the Lee County <br />Board of Commissioners, is hereby authorized to sign the <br />resolution approving the coordination with the City of Sanford <br />in filing an application for Growth Center Designation in Lee <br />C ounty. <br />Commissioner Lila P. Nielsen seconded the motion and upon a vote <br />it was unanimously adopted. <br />The Board next opened the meeting to a public hearing on the Re- <br />development Plan for the San-Lee Heights area. After all parties who desired to <br />speak on the subject had been heard, the public hearing was closed and the Chairman <br />asked the pleasure of the Board. Commissioner John E. Dotterer moved that the <br />resolution entitled ''Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Lee County to approve <br />