.3 l }
<br />• a.
<br />' yoort 10 ~~icF ' 254* LEHON SPRINGS VOLUNTEER PIRG DEPANTHEN`r, 1~ v t
<br />• t(y e x~~~r rt F fT:yS~
<br />O ' } 4 HI RESPONSE Q t+~°~'t ,r r t•. 'sf
<br />. BEGINNING •a the int era eat ion of US I and E0. .1179 (point I) Thence North[
<br />^ r a I i "f .4 S „ry, • , \t 2
<br />t• ~-to a point in SR 1182 (2) being .2 'ad Meet ohthe Snt-18action of US 1 end SR
<br />p 1182, Thence Northeast to a point in US•1 (3) being \.2 mf North of the,. f T\
<br />t Sate reaction. of US 1 and.SR 1182 Theoc + Nortoh co a 'point So US.I (4) being .7
<br />1
<br />r ml North of the intersection of US land SR 1182 I. being 1 3'ml South of the
<br />.d ° :j:>~i
<br />rye: Intersection of us feud SR)ll8l gaciuding property on US I'.between%hte and _r.
<br />? the pcnriuus point Thence Northwest to thn intersection of SR 1182 and SR $
<br />' 1181 (5) Thence ,,Northeast to a point in US 1 (6)7being 7 ml Sou[h4o['the - ! 1•
<br />r intersection of US I and US 15 501 Thence Norcheae(,+to the intersect low of 88 fRF'
<br />' 1179 and"SR 119917). Thence as Se 1199 to the interaectioi of ASR Ing. and Se
<br />,i a .k i
<br />O 'h C f .p
<br />1158.(8)Thence Northeast to Hun. Crossing (()r Railroad Croselug oln SH 1156 As
<br />O ' Thence ae the Railroad North 18 ml to ra point (IO)Ebeing b mi South of the l
<br />_ i warhead bridge on NC.781 Thence Northeast to tha late a act iov,of SR 1146 and. '
<br />SR 1249.(11), Thence Northeast to a pole[ in SR 3001 -(l2) said point being
<br />ml North of the intersection of SR 1001 and S0. 1146; Thence.Southeeet to a
<br />point in SR 1146 (I3) said point being .l ml'South eeat of the, intersection,of
<br />SR 1146 and SR 1244, Thence Southeast to the,Upper'Ilttle.Rlver bridge, an SR '
<br />1146 (14) acluding property on SR 1148 and SR 1146 between•thla' and the
<br />previous polnt_Theoce Southeast to e'point'in SR 1146r(15)•baing;.2 ml gaat
<br />of the intersection of,SR 1146 and Si 1147 M.nce,SOOthe< to 1a point in SR
<br />t.. '..,t nor Cl. I
<br />1144 (16) said point being .8 mi Eaet'of the In to a act In n of, Se ll4b'evd SR .
<br />- i
<br />" 1216, Thence Southwest to a point (17);in SR I186,'reafd point:being 2 mi East of
<br />the intersection of Si 1162 and SR 1186, Thence Southwest to a puint'(18) in
<br />SR 1162, being :2 mi Southeast of the ictersection:0f SR 1162'..d SR 1186.
<br />Ll , Thence Southwest to a point in SR 1188•(19) said point being .3 mf South of i
<br />"f the intersection of SR 1188, end SR 1167; Thence Southwest to a,point (20) IF
<br />being in SR 1188,.2 mi East of the intersection ofISH'1188 and SR 1001,
<br />F'
<br />r ' Excluding property on SR 1188 betwee^lthis and the'previow point Thence" t
<br />Southwest to e point in SR 1001 (21) .2 mi Sauth.oE'cha .lntaceect ion of 8H'~y
<br />1001 and SR 1188, Thence Northwest to 'a point (22): ER 1166 said, polo[ being I
<br />1.3 of Southwest of the intersection of SR 1177 and SR 1166 Then West to a ryF•}t„+
<br />
<br />point in SR 1175 (27) being $1mi gee t,of the lntareactlon of SH 1176 and SR• }
<br />ttt
<br />F ) 1175, Thence West to a point (24)'1.SR 1174 said point be1ng-.4 mi Southwest4t
<br />I. I, of the intersection of SR 11741and SR,I175 Thence Northwest to.the BeIginnlog
<br />% t "i iT S~ t iut I\ry~i" sir a » a 1 ~a):j
<br />1 i l Nr d, -.rar'~y' ,r ib
<br />~ t~
<br />y b.
<br />/1 R} -
<br />NORTH CAROLINA LEECOUNTY ,~s1•,.~*,',,~~ f~'p~ ~V
<br />bF
<br />~a.-w{ iR-
<br />_ day I (erif'P , °'v `e"1~r f a { y~,`
<br />a t 5
<br />Pres tad for if:gistration
<br />11
<br />19 ~'atl/'~ _ ,'7 ,5m 'ihr e,7_i.
<br />Of
<br />recorded in{Book LSO (page
<br />Pattie W~MLGil~ary,i Registe$ of:;Deeds ;
<br />1 ttt ti
<br />!w~}P,f• 1~1 tt ~a
<br />s .xan~.L.
<br />) 4'~~•~~j CtyAw'ieFr''r t
<br />r lv ~i
<br />F ( t
<br />i
<br />1 iyyl~y,~t;i 9.1'
<br />"fir + elo 4 ~t~.~
<br />i Ip ~ 1P~
<br />t;a I f`~4~-..
<br />f ~Y 4.
<br />tr a f o
<br />1 R r!':
<br />k I a+~r , ,i~,
<br />t6 t. '
<br />pNp~ i
<br />